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"What...the..hell is he wearing..?" Y/n covered his mouth as he watched Takemichi walk down the street in the most atrocious outfit. The blonde confident male walked with shorts that have 'outlaw' printed on the front, and a one-buttoned shirt. Akkun covered his eyes, his hand slowly slid down to his mouth.

"Y/n..I beg you to be nice," Akkun's eyes narrowed at Y/n. The red head's nose bridge scrunched.

"I..I'm not sure if I can if..he's walking around like that." Y/n looked down as he tried not to laugh.

As the group walked down the street, other gang members wandered the street. They gazed and stared at Takemichi as if he's some super hero who saved the town. Takemichi put his arms over his head and a giant smile. New members murmured, calling Takemichi a 'god' or a 'legend'; just adding more to his ego.

"Akkun..please let me say SOMETHING."

"No Y/n, just..let him absorb his credit."

Takemichi turned to Akkun and Y/n, "I have to go visit Draken, I'll see you losers later." Takemichi responds with a cocky tone.

"I'd rather be a loser than have to wear those clothes." Y/n whispered followed by Akkun's snicker. They both waited for Takemichi to disappear. Y/n turned to akkun, "c'mon, I got to show ya something." Y/n took Akkun's wrist and pulled him in a different direction. A hint of blush grew on Akkun's face as Y/n pulled him.

They both ran down a few alleyways, a few streets, as they walked the building, 'Okura Hotel' came into sight.

"Naoki is probably too busy with guest so he won't know we're here." Y/n spoke

"Y/n..can I ask you a question?" Akkun turned his head to Y/n. Y/n hesitated but he nodded as they continued walking. "How long has it been since Naoki adopted you?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment as a few memories flooded to his head but he sighed and counted in his head, "about 6 years, December 27th will make it 7 years..why do you ask?"

Akkun looked up at the hotel, "I was just curious."


Takemichi changed the future, Hina is alive, and Akkun is alive.

Hina and Takemichi walked in a nearby park. Hina held her purse as they walked down a lit up path way. There was a calm but also awkward vibe.
"I remember the park...I can't forget about him even now. This is the place, where he dumped me on Christmas Eve." Hina looked at the star lit sky, her light cherry hair swayed, "Even now I don't understand why he dumped me."

Takemichi looked down at the ground, not fully connecting the dots, "so there's actually someone who actually dumped you, Hina?"

"..tell me why you did that, Takemichi-kun." Tears flowed down Hina's cheeks as there was a small smile on her lips.

Takemichi's eyes widened, so many thoughts ran in his head. He broke up with Hina? Takemichi turned around and ran " HOLD ON. I GOTTA GO USE THE BATHROOM!!"

Takemichi stood in front of the mirror. Cold sweat running down his face.

Takemichi turned on the faucet and splashed water in his face. A determined look was on his face. "I have to confess to Hina!"

Takemichi turned his body around and was about to walk out of the bathroom. But two males stood near the entrance of the bathroom. The taller one seemed familiar to Takemichi, the taller one had black and yellow hair, he wore glasses, an earring on his left ear, golden eyes, and a grey suit. He had no expression on his face as he stared down at Takemichi.

And the other male, Takemichi definitely knew him but he couldn't tell. He had e/c eyes that seemed tired, he also had black hair with f/c bangs. He had s/c skin with a few scars on his wrist going up.

The blonde-black haired male sighed, "he ain't even in the car... how tiresome."

Takemichi watched as the two males walked past him and walk in the different direction. Takemichi was about to turn away until he saw the tattoo on the taller male's hand.

'Hanma?! And who's that guy with him?! I have a bad feeling...what did he mean the car?' Takemichi thought to himself.
Hina sat in the passenger seat of the car. She sighed as she was on her phone, " I had built up my courage and everything too.."

Suddenly, car light appeared behind the car. Hina turned her head, car headlights rushing straight towards her. Takemichi came running around the corner.


(y/n's POV)
I was doing my nightly skin care routine, but tonight was different. Takemichi was sitting on the edge of my bathtub, ranting about the Toman meeting he went to. Apparently he punched Kisaki for 'personal reasons' then he got yelled at by others, then how some guy named Baji punched him, and then Kisaki punched him and knocked him out. And now he's assigned to recover Baji back from the enemy gang because apparently Baji left Toman for the enemy gang, and the enemy gang is run by Hanma. I told him to not get involved.

"When will I ever catch a break, Y/n-kun?" Takemichi sighed as I put on my mud mask to help my dry ass face. I sighed and turned to Takemichi.

"Listen, I warned you to not get involved. And what did you do? You got involved and now you're all tied up in the mess." I rolled my eyes.

"What is your deal and gangs? You hang out with people who are in gangs! Plus being in a gang means so much! You basically have a strong connection with your friends!" Takemichi asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah gangs might be all that cool stuff, but look at what happened to your hand! Kiyomasa didn't hesitate to stab your hand and he isn't even that powerful. I'm just saying you have to be careful around people like that, things can happen and if you don't like it, oh well you can't change it." I spoke in a more annoyed tone, "plus you know how Hina feels about you getting hurt. And I don't want you getting killed either."

"You speak as if you have experience but you don't understand! Mikey is a nice guy and so are the others!" Takemichi said in a more angry tone and he stood up.

"I do know what happens in gangs like that and you might as well kill yourself because you're most likely to be in more pain." I spoke in a more strict tone, trying to not make things worse.

"THE ONLY THING THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT GANGS IS THAT YOUR PARENTS GOT KILLED BY ONE!" Takemichi quickly covered his mouth, I paused and took a deep breath.

Takemichi stood for a second in silence then sat back down, "sorry, today just been..a lot."

I sighed, I couldn't stay mad at him for too long, "it's alright..I just don't want something to happen to you or the others."

Silence filled the room as a thought was bothering my mind, "Takemichi...I need to say something and don't take it to offense."

Takemichi looked at me, his blue eyes stared at me through the mirror, "okay, I'm listening."

"If you do something that affects me or akkun and the others, and if it's something like really really bad, I won't trust understand? And the same goes for you, if I do something that affects you or the others in a horrible way, forget me. Got it?" I spoke more quietly, cleaning off the mud mask on my face.

Takemichi looked up at me, then at the tiled floor, "I understand, Y/n-kun."

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