Chapter 42: Broker

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Hans embarrassingly led Ves away from the private room. "Sorry about that. I thought he'd be more respectful."

"I've faced plenty of rejection before. It doesn't bother me to get turned away again." Although he said this, Ves sighed with disappointment. "I'm in an extremely difficult position if I can't find a customer for my mech."

They both stayed silent for a moment before Hans thought up another idea. "Why not enlist the services of a broker?"

"I've already thought of it." He replied. "But I need a large influx of cash within two weeks. If the broker takes his cut, I'm not sure I'm able to pay the bills that are due very soon."

"Oh relax. I know a woman who might cut a deal with you. Anything's negotiable. You should really think about it since brokers know their clients best."

Hans had a point. Many small-scale mech designers often relied on specialized brokers and dealers to manage their sales and customer support. These crafty salespeople spent a lot of effort building up a network of customers and other contacts. They trained their bargaining and negotiation skills to a terrifying level.

To be fair, despite the substantial cut they took with each successful sale, they were an indispensable part of the mech industry. That was why Ves allowed Hans to lead him all the way to the center, where a large crowd of well-dressed men exchanged their opinions about their favorite pilots of today's event.

"Marcella Bollinger! Over here!"

"Oh hey Hans." A pudgy, dark-haired woman greeted the test pilot with a hug. "How's work?"

"Same old, same old. I'm not here to talk about my work. I'd like you to introduce you to an interesting fellow I met today."

The woman raised her eyebrow and took an appraising look at Ves. "You're the Larkinson mech designer, aren't you? My, my, you're quite the big young man now. How's fame treating you?"

"Not well since it isn't of much use in my current situation." Ves shook his head. He found the woman to be more approachable than he thought. "Hans told me that you're a mech broker. It happens that I have a new mech variant that I'd like to sell."

"Ah, so it's business this time, eh?" Marcella's smile turned a little predatory. "On account of Hans, I'll hear you out. Let's bring you somewhere quiet first."

As they entered an empty private room, Marcella took a seat at a couch and patted her side. "Take a seat young man. Don't worry, I don't bite."

Sitting so close to Marcella discomforted Ves. Marcella's stocky frame underneath her prim and formal business suit hinted at a military or mercenary background. Though he couldn't detect the killer vibes from her amiable smile, he was certain that this woman had been through a lot. With his extensive knowledge and experience in mechanics, he sniffed out the presence of prosthetics in her right arm.

"Let's start from the beginning. What kind of business are you taking part in and why do you need my services?"

Ves gave her the same story he told Colonel Ares. Since he couldn't hide things from a broker for long, he also mentioned his debt and interest payment situation. While giving out such sensitive information gave her a lot more negotiating power in any agreement they reached, it would prevent misunderstandings from happening in the beginning. Ves was willing to give up a few percentages of profit if it meant building up a solid relationship based on trust. Any broker recommended by Hans shouldn't be too shady, he hoped.

"Okay, I see." Marcella tapped her manicured finger to her chin. "Lay down the cost structure for me. A mech armored with HRF plating shouldn't carry an extravagant price."

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