Chapter 187: In Shambles

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Ves currently likened his body to a balloon that steadily took in air without stop. His body could only hold a limited amount of energy. Even after Jutland directed his body to grow stronger, it had reached its limits, meaning that Ves eventually faced the possibility of bursting apart like a balloon with too much air.

For now, he couldn't figure out a way to release the pressure. The strange energy cycling inside his body consisted of a strange sort of energy that resembled a thick, permeable gas of some sorts. It was remarkably difficult to control and currently Ves had no way of siphoning a portion outwards.

Therefore, the only way to relieve the problem was to slow down his overactive heat organ. Such a solution wouldn't work forever, as he merely delayed his eventual death, but he bought himself a lot of time.

When Ves narrowed his concentration on corralling the heat organ, he estimated that the rate of accumulation had slowed down to a fifth of its former activity level. His active efforts also pulled the wind out of his internal energy cycle, which reduced the pressure it put onto his body. This allowed him to regain his mobility.

"I can't keep this up forever, though."

It took a lot of effort to maintain his current level of concentration. Ves felt as if he had to maintain two trains of thoughts, one for the present and one dedicated to keeping his heat organ in check. Designing the Mark II which employed three images had been a bit more onerous.

He estimated he could keep this up for three hours at a time before he needed to take a break. He also determined that he couldn't maintain his concentration when he slept, which potentially cut the effectiveness of this exercise by a third.

"This is merely a temporary fix. I'll find a more permanent one once I've returned to civilization."

At worst, he'd travel to the Titanium Garden and beg Master Olson to remove his newly implanted organs. Despite the awesome power they provided, it was useless if he couldn't control it. Ves constantly played with fire the longer he hosted this strange new energy.

The door of the hut slammed open. An angry looking Jutland saw that Ves hadn't done much of anything, as he still pretended to be suffering from an of energy. "Get a grip! Your body isn't crippled to the point you're never able to move again! Get to work!"

Ves minutely shook his head. Despite all of his fanciful thoughts, he remained vulnerable to the whims of a madman.

"Let's see what's on the datachip."

When Ves studied the contents of the datachip, he found the information to be partially complete. Much of the inner portions of the Kaius remained obscured, as Jutland probably didn't intend to put all of his eggs in a single basket.

Pity he didn't know that Ves already had a good look inside, courtesy of Lucky.

Doctor Jutland made detailed scans of his chimera mech's mechanical components. In case of salvaged components, he also documented the wrecks from where he sloppily removed them. The chip even contained the precious notes of the initial mech designer.

Parsing them proved to be a challenge for Ves. The mech designer mostly wrote down miniscule details and incomprehensible calculations that meant nothing without knowing the context. The mech designer never intended to present his notes to others, so he didn't bother to format them in a way that allowed other mech designers to pick up his torch.

Puzzling through the schematic and documents yielded a little more understanding of the Kaius. The mech designer not only mastered the humanoid form, but also knew his way around several beast shapes, including reptilian ones which the hexapod mostly resembled. Ves vaguely gleaned several insights about the peculiarities a reptilian form demanded.

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