Chapter 149: Pinned Down

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The projectile punched through the warehouse's walls from the side and came at them like the wrath of a falling meteor. Forewarned by his Sixth Sense, Ves barely ducked in time, allowing the flaming projectile to impact against against the ground, throwing up a momentous amount of cement.

The large amount of debris pelted the Larkinsons, causing no small amount of minor injuries. Ves managed to stay unscathed due to his shield generator, which lost another percent of charge.

"We've got to pull back!" Melkor gritted his teeth, giving up on trying to borrow Raella's pistol. "As long as that sniper is lurking around, it's not safe to leave the center."

Raella nodded her head as she gripped her own weapon with an iron grip. "We're mech pilots without a mech in sight. We're sitting ducks out here!"

Losing the initiative never went well, but they all agreed and ran back towards the deepest section of the warehouse. All of them tried to find a way out of their predicament but could think of nothing except to wait for help. With the amount of noise the BLM had stirred, the police or Planetary Guard should be arriving at any moment now.

"It's a monster! It's AAAHHH!"

"Some kind of drone is killing us all!"

"I never signed up to this! Let's get out of here!"

The discordant group of rebels broke apart due to the terror in their midst. Lucky reaped a toll on their sanity as he slowly constantly clawed out their throats. At a certain point, the survivors forgot about their mission and fled like rats.

Raella looked at Ves as if he had done the killing himself. "Did you upgrade your cat or something?"

"My father gave him to me as a gift." Ves replied, bringing up his standard excuse whenever someone asked about Lucky's peculiarities. "He's a product of the New Rubarth Empire."

Everything that came from a first-rate superstate might as well be magic. The yokels out in the galactic rim had no cognition of the level of technology employed by most powerful human states. Ves found it to be a convenient prop whenever he had to misdirect the origin of his System's rewards.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with keeping a mechanical pet by your side? They're getting out of vogue because they're prone to hacking."

"I trust Lucky." Ves replied emphatically. In fact, he trusted in the System. "He's a unique pet who's hiding quite a few surprises. I don't believe anyone from this star sector can compromise his programming."

Moments later, the star of the show appeared in their midst. The tired-looking cat had dropped down from above and meowed with less enthusiasm than before. This time, Ves felt an ache in his heart when he saw that Lucky hadn't come out of fight unscathed. His left side had been scorched by a passing laser beam that blackened his shimmering bronze surface.

"Lucky!" Ves called out and picked up his companion. "Are you okay?"

He tried to interpret his cat's attempts to answer his question. Lucky appeared to have a lot of energy to spare due to the opposition's lack of armor. A simple swipe of his energy claws at their lowest power setting easily took care of the untrained rabble.

Instead, the heat damage partially crippled Lucky's capabilities. A significant part of his flexible shell had fused together into slag. The laser also transferred a lot of heat into Lucky's internals.

Over time, his gem cat could recover from the damage by eating special minerals and letting his advanced self-repair do all of the work. Unfortunately, time was in short supply today.

"So we can't rely on your pet anymore?"

"Seems so. We're on our own."

The news disheartened the Larkinsons. Their best weapon had been taken out of what must have been a stray shot from a panicking rebel.

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