Chapter 193: To Challenge a Mech

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The amount of energy Doctor Jutland released surpassed anything Ves had ever witnessed. His body even glowed red from the sheer amount of heat leaking from his pores. He definitely pulled out all the stops this time.

"I shall destroy you all!"

He went after the biggest target, the Olympian. By now, the venerable heavy mech endured a lot of abuse. Not only did it engage the Kaius in multiple engagements, it also had to deal with the consequences of runnings its systems at full tilt. Its overall performance already began to slide.

Jutland clearly didn't care. He just wanted to pound the biggest mech to pieces. While he obviously couldn't fly, his ability to run and leap reached superhuman levels.

Bang! He became so terrifying that when he slammed against the huge building-sized Olympian, the heavy knight actually stumbled back! A loud crunching sound accompanied the impact. Jutland actually wrenched away a couple of layers of armor!

"Is he challenging a mech with his body?" Ves wondered as he kept running away now that his body became unburdened. "This is impossible!"

Ves had never thought that he'd witness a phenomenon many people dreamed about. A human actually challenged a mech upfront! More than that, he actually held the advantage!

With his powerful body and his endless supply of energy, the crazy doctor exhibited both strength and speed. Jutland challenged everyone's perception on the primacy of mechs by boldly treating the Ajax Olympian as his punching bag.

After slamming his body against the shield for the sixth time, Jutland finally broke through all of its layers, causing the heavy object to splinter apart!

The AI that controlled the heavy knight reacted poorly to this, having never been programmed to fight against a human-sized monstrosity. It treated the loss of its shield as a prompt to go on the offensive, and proceeded to foolishly attempt to kick Jutland with its agonizingly slow foot.

"Insignificant worm! Get out of my way!" Jutland contemptuously growled with a deep, inhuman timbre. He drew his body inward before jumping straight at the center of the Olympian's chest!

Bang! The high-powered collision dented the Olympian's incredibly durable armor. Even the Kaius would be hard-pressed to do the same! Everyone present genuinely feared for their lives. A man with the power to challenge mechs represented certain doom. If they didn't want to die, they had to do something about him!

"Stop it!" Captain Kaine yelled as her Cathrec ceased to cripple the largely immobilized Kaius and turned around to aid her beleagered subordinate.

Her entry changed the dynamic of the battle. As an agile spear wielder, the Cathrec possessed just enough speed to keep up with Jutland's rapid movements. It helped that he merely possessed a lot of straight-line speed and couldn't easily change directions.

Whenever Jutland charged forward, the Cathrec brandished its powered spear in his path. Even maddened as he was now, he personally witnessed the weapon's power against the Kaius. The glowing white speartip tore straight through the chimera mech's scales! Thus, the doctor always veered away.

"Volmars! Constrain Doctor Jutland!"

Four of the Volmars ceased their assault on the Kaius and moved to reinforce the Cathrec. The remaining two Volmars along with the heavily damaged Olympian took over the duty of suppressing the extremely hardy Kaius.

Despite suffering a myriad of crippling blows, it still hadn't gone down. As long as the chimera mech kept its artificial brain alive, it continued to put pressure on everyone's mind.

Fortunately enough, the AIs controlling the Volmars observed the Olympian's reaction towards Jutland and learned plenty of lessons. Like the Cathrec, they refused to block with their frames, instead preferring to dodge Jutland's charges.

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