Chapter 103: Only Six

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"Congratulations for your victory, Ves. You deserve it." Barakovski finally said as she silently regained her composure. "What a resilient mech. Your Executioner really awes the crowd."

Everyone who attended the duel applauded his work. The Executioner shrugged off the effects of the lightning bolt in record time. It was doubtful whether mechs designed by others could do the same. Only the most remarkable designers like Carter Gauge could reach this level.

While Ves lacked the overflowing talent of someone of Gauge's caliber, he finally proved his own worth. Nobody badmouthed him anymore in his presence. The other designers, all of whom enjoyed billions of cols worth of investment, regarded him as if he was a hidden tiger.

Since Barakovski lost, a pair of attendants guided her off the stage. She'd return to the podium at the end, but for now the spotlight only shone on the winners. After waving her goodbye, he walked over to Patricia and looked down on the arena where her mech put up a fierce fight.

When he looked at Patricia's dauntless heavy mech launching missile after missile, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the enemy hybrid knight. Its fragile kinetic shoulder mounts had already been obliterated under a rain of high explosive missiles. Right now, it barely hung on to its tattered shield as salvo after salvo of kinetic missiles struck its surface.

"That's a very interesting direction you've chosen. Aren't you afraid your mech becomes harmless once it expends all of its missiles?"

"Just as your design commits to a sword, I'm confident my mech can sweep away any opponent with its missiles alone. At a certain point you just have to put your trust in your ability."

Ves nodded at her words. A mech designed solely around a single weapon system did not have to make unpalatable compromises. For example, the hybrid knight that was currently taking a pounding tried to combine ranged and melee capabilities in a single package. It wasted a lot of capacity that could have been used to strengthen its armor or its speed.

Flexibility had its uses, but strength overcame all.

Predictably, the hybrid knight succumbed once its shield fell apart. Its armor lasted quite a bit, but Patricia's heavy mech still carried plenty of reserves. It ultimately finished off the knight with about twenty percent left.

Ves had to admit that Patricia chose a bold design. Her mech only used a single strategy: vomit out as much missiles as possible before the enemy closed in. Most of the other mechs designed by the finalists completely disregarded artillery mechs due to their scarcity in one-on-one duels.

A regular artillery mech might pose little threat in a duel environment, but one designed by Patricia was different. She obviously tweaked the missile payloads, causing the high explosive missiles to be twice as powerful and the kinetic missiles delivering three times the force.

Patricia only paid for it by reducing their maximum range, which was not that big of a deal in the small arena. The missiles also lost much of their maneuverability and tracking capabilities. The pilot had to target his missiles carefully in order to ensure they'd hit the target. Faster mechs stood a better chance of prevailing against the missile barrage.

After the end of the second duels, only six designers remained. Ves looked at those who survived thus far. Besides Patricia, he recognized none of the other four, but they all represented the best of what the Friday Coalition had to offer.

It was no coincidence that the top three graduates from the Leemar Institute of Technology had made it this far. They were all eminent geniuses who could almost be placed on par with some of the lower-class graduates from an average first-rate institution. Any casual graduate from a first-rate institution could raise a storm in the industry of a second-rate state, so that was high praise.

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