Chapter 172: Pean Performance

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In the coming days, the expedition set off with a tumultuous fanfare. The main thrust of the fleet encountered several scouts from other forces along the way. In order to avoid leaking out the location of the untapped Groening System, Lord Kaine employed the mercenary ships to chase away the snooping scouts.

"Destroy every ship that doesn't make way!"

Some of the bolder scouts tried to play games, but they couldn't outfox the swift corvettes owned by the Stray Phantoms. They possessed a decisive technological edge against the riff raff of the frontier. Even the advanced Barracuda couldn't match their performance, which proved the Grey Willow Star Sector's strength.

Under Lord Kaine's arrangements, Captain Silvestra jumped ahead of the main fleet. As a civilian corvette, the Barracuda wasn't suitable to be employed as a combat vessel. Instead, she functioned as the expedition's own scout and provided advanced warning to the main fleet via a limited transmission through her restricted quantum entanglement node.

Overall, the expedition had a rocky start. House Kaine severely underestimated how much eyes they attracted when they arrived in the Komodo Star Sector.

Back at home, a fleet carrier in the hands of a noble house might be ostentatious but not too rare.

At the frontier, such a phenomenon instantly turned the expedition into the talk of the of the town. Especially considering that everyone knew that to take a capital ship into sandmen space was asking for trouble.

Thus, the first week of the expedition bogged down due to Lord Kaine's insistence on removing each and every scout. While his measures might have scared away the ships, even he could do nothing against covert sensors hidden throughout every star system in the way.

Still, the amount of stars in the galactic rim couldn't be counted. No matter how many sensors they planted, they couldn't have seeded every star, especially the ones deeper into sandmen space. While passive sensors were nearly undetectable in deep space, they lacked the resolution to determine the precise coordinates of the main fleet's route.

In addition to chasing away the scouts, House Kaine and their mercenary partners employed many methods in order to obscure their route. As an outsider in charge of improving a small number of mechs, Ves didn't have the right to know anything more.

His minder, Ensign D'Amato, might know more, but the young man carefully kept his lips sealed. Over time, Ves noticed that D'Amato understood a fair amount of engineering principles. He likely specialized in engineering or some or related field. This meant that Ves couldn't hide too many things from his watchful minder.

Due to his constant company, Ves didn't dare to access the Mech Designer System. He started working on the Ajax Olympian using the workshop's existing design suite, which impressed him with its extensive features. It might not match the System in sheer breath and versatility, but it provided a fair amount of conveniences that helped save some time.

After familiarizing himself with the variant's design, he started asking other people's opinions on the Ajax. Ves followed Ramirez's advice and approached the mech technicians who worked on the two heavy knights for years.

Not all of them opened up to him. Captain Kaine still didn't trust him, so the mech technicians assigned to the hunting platoon adopted the same mistrustful attitude. It took a lot of pestering in order to convince the friendlier ones to throw him a bone.

"The Olympian is a steady mech. It's built to last. If something happens to break, it takes a lot of effort to replace because the armor isn't meant to be removed that often."

"All the flashy marketing states that the Olympian variant excels in wrestling, but they're exaggerating its flexibility. There's no way a heavy mech is capable of performing even the simplest acrobatics. The Olympian can barely grapple another mech and force it down against the ground."

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