Chapter 140: Larkinson Compound

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The star system that hosted Rittersberg used to be endowed with lots of exotic resources. It used to be an oasis compared to the barren desert of its surrounding systems. The pacifists exiles who wearily escaped from the fighting in the center of the Komodo Star Sector eagerly laid down their foundations in this relatively rich star system.

All of the deposits had been depleted after a hundred years of intensive mining. The initial boom in resources had fueled the construction of the initial colonies and expanded the reach of the descendants until they carved out their own place in the galaxy.

The Vision of Astoria along with every other ship had to dock at a giant space station orbiting a very remote dwarf planet. Ves and Lucky joined the other passengers in exiting the passenger liner and had gone through multiple security screenings and identity checks before the dour-faced security officers pushed them onwards.

"Security is even tighter than before."

"Of course it is!" A pot-bellied man replied as he frequently looked at the time. "If you think this is bad, wait until the war starts in earnest. Most civilians won't be able to enter the system."

A lot of visitors bemoaned the current state of unrest. The tourists and civilians who wanted to celebrate the new year at Rittersberg had to wait for hours before they received permission to move on to a navy-operated transit shuttle.

Fortunately for him, Ves got lumped in with the veterans and active servicemen who enjoyed preferable treatment. He had already become a notable citizen when he reached the finals of the Fusion Cup so no one gave him any hassle. Even his potentially dangerous gem cat had been cleared to accompany him, though with caveats.

Lucky resentfully yowled at Ves. His paws had been locked together with resilient cuffs, preventing him from deploying his claws effectively.

"Just deal with it Lucky." Ves tried to soothe his pet. "You'll be free to roam around once we reach the Larkinson Compound."

They boarded a secure shuttle that slowly brought them to the inner system. As a precaution, the only ships, shuttles and transports that operated within the system were directly crewed by the navy. The Rittersberg System was the only place in the Republic that remained untouched by the rebels.

After two days of plodding, the shuttle finally reached one of the civilian space stations orbiting the first planet from the sun. It used to be a fairly hot planet, but extensive terraforming had tempered the climate until it closely resembled that of Ancient Earth.

The space station itself looked spectacular as well. Designed for form as well as function, the triangular construct offered a spectacular view of the green jewel below. A harmonious ensemble of trees and flower graced its elegant interior and enchanted many first-time visitors.

Only the abundant patrols and the heavy-handed security measures marred the tranquil sight. The visible security presence was actually a lot more blatant than he expected.

"Did something happen?" He asked a crowd of random visitors.

"Didn't you hear? The 3rd Infernal Hellhounds found and attacked the headquarters of the BLM!"

Ves immediately stopped and turned towards the woman who answered. "The Bentheim Liberation Movement? Truly? How did it go?!"

"Don't know for sure yet, but we've given the rebels a bloody nose alright. The Republic is keeping a tight lid on the news."

Even after Ves browsed the galactic net on his comm, he found nothing useful. The Mech Corps released a short statement that they considered the attack a success, but warned that the BLM still possessed a lot of assets and that they might retaliate in the coming days. The news was ominous and it explained the tension hanging in the air.

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