Her demon, her butler

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"It's time to wake up young mistress" came Sebastian's smooth velvety voice. "Hm, no" came Ciel's muffled sleepy voice, burrowing herself deeper into her pillows. Sebastian went to the curtains and drew them apart, letting in sunlight. Ciel cracked open her eyes and glared at Sebastian. "Really?" She said.

"I had to" Sebastian said with an annoying smile.

Sebastian helped his mistress get dressed, and tied her eye patch around her right eye. Now that she was fully dressed she was ready to get on with her day.

She ate a hearty meal of pancakes and tea. Worked on annoying documents, met up with important people such as business partners and acquaintances, and met up with Elliot at lunch time.

Elliot was clingy, obnoxious, and annoyingly loud as usual. But Ciel was a patient woman, and besides, she was used to him anyway. Has put up with him for years.

And besides, she has Sebastian with her through out it all. Helping her with her every need.

Truly a reliable, dependable butler.

"Ciel are you listening?" Elliot asked when he noticed his fiancé spacing out. Sebastian lightly tapped her shoulder, bringing her back to reality. "Oh? Yes sorry I was just thinking" Ciel said, picking up her tea cup and taking a sip.

Elliot frowned. "What about?" He lightly demanded.

Ciel resisted the urge to sigh, he never liked it when her attention wasn't on him.

"About the Funtom company, and the other errands I need to do" she excuses.

"You shouldn't have to think about that while we're together, we're supposed to be enjoying quality time together, how are we supposed to do that if your mind is elsewhere?" Elliot said with a bit of a whine.

"I'm sorry Ellie" Ciel said. "It's not cute when you only focus on work" Elliot said. "After we're married, I'll make sure the two of us get plenty of time together, we'll be by each other's side always! Doesn't that sound wonderful Ciel?"

Ciel couldn't tell him that no it did not sound wonderful. Because that would hurt him.

"Yes" she lied through her teeth. "Very wonderful"

"My lady I believe it is time for us to return to the Manor" Sebastian chimed in. "We still have a meeting with Lady Axenford from the Axenford company"

"Already? Can't you stay a few more minutes?" Elliot held Ciel's hand and looked at her blue eye with his big pleading green ones. Ciel sighed and gently pried his hand from hers. "No Elliot, please understand I have my duties to turn to"

"I do understand, I just don't like it!" Elliot said clearly upset. Ciel ignored him and followed her butler out of the room bidding him good bye.

"You'd think after all these years he'd matured a bit" she thought frustratedly.

They got in the carriage and rode in silence, waiting until they could get home.

Ciel was looking out the window, expression indifferent. Sebastian's eyes were on her, he once again, found himself observing her. He's been doing that a lot lately. She was a pretty little lass when she was younger, but now that she's become a woman she is even more beautiful, a rare gem. Sebastian fought the urge to comb her blueish black hair with his fingers, that would confuse her.

"Why am I even thinking like this?" He thought, slightly amused with himself.

Soon they arrived home. Ciel, with the help of Sebastian, prepared herself to meet lady Axenford.

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now