alley trouble

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"I shouldn't have come here, she wasn't any help at all! Bloody fraud, she's no fortune teller, I'm more confused than ever!" Ciel angrily thinks as she walks away from Imelda's tent and to the carnival's exit. Should she just go home?

"You've fallen, or are falling, in love with Sebastian"

Ciel blushes but shakes her head. "Bah! Ridiculous! Me? In love with a demon? The demon who will someday consume my soul? That is, preposterous!"

"I never gave a name to whom you would spend your life with. For all we you could know, it could be with Sebastian"

"Aaaargh! Why did her words get to me!? I can't be falling in love! Not with Sebastian of all people! Why, why him? Why Sebastian!?" The girl covered her ears and ran off, to a random direction.

She soon found herself at an alley, one hand against the wall, the other hand placed against her fastly beating heart.

She bites down on her lower lip to stop it from quivering so much.

Her conversation with Imelda echoing in her mind. It can't be true can it? It cannot be true that she, Ciel Phantomhive has developed romantic feelings for her demon butler?

When did this happen. How could it have happened?

"It's not true" she murmured. "It just can't be true!"

" 'Ello there missy" came a rough voice from behind her. The young woman spun around and found herself facing the broad chest of a man. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the powerful stench of booze radiating off of him.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing alone, in a place like this?" The man said with a toothy grin, showing yellowing teeth. He reached a hand and picked up a few strands of her hair and brought it up to his nose, smelling her hair.

Ciel recoiled and slapped his hand away. "Get away from me" she hissed hurrying out of the alley.

But her hair was caught by the man and she was pulled back. "Ack!" She yelled when he pulled her back by her hair. "Now now there's no need to be rushing away from me missy, why not get to know me better? I'd certainly love to get to know such a, fine and lovely beauty such as yourself" he caressed her waist, up to her arms and then collarbones.

Ciel shivered in disgust, but the man mistook it for lust. Because he slammed her back against the wall, her wrists held together by one hand, raised above her head, while another hand covered her mouth.

Ciel swallowed down her rising panic and bites the hand covering her mouth as hard as she can.

The man howled in pain, but the howling turned into moaning. "Ahh yes! Haha! You're a fiesty little kitten aren't ya?"

Ciel kept biting, harder and harder, until she breaks the skin and draws out blood. But the man paid it no mind. Ciel's heart hammered against her chest, her eyes shifts panickedly everywhere in hopes of meeting the eyes of a kind stranger who would help her. But there was no one.

"Sebastian!" She screams in her head.

She should have brought him along. She shouldn't have ordered him to stay behind. He would have made quick work with this pig that dare lay his filthy hands on her. He would have beaten this man bloodily. 

He would have protected her. But he's not here. She's alone.

"Remove your filthy hands from her!" Shouted a young man's voice. Ciel's eyes darted to the direction of the voice and recognized the blonde running towards them.

Elliot kicked the man off of Ciel, before pulling the shaking girl to his body and hugging her tight, protective and loving. "Ciel! Ciel are you alright?" He worriedly asks looking her over.

Ciel swallowed hard before answering. "Fine" she managed to say.

Elliot smiled sweetly before setting his furious green eyes on the man that dare touch his scared fiancee. Shaking with rage he grabbed the fallen man's collar and cocked his fist back, before slamming it down on the man's nose, effectively breaking it.

The man howled in pain and clutched his bloody nose as he rolled on the floor in agony.

Ciel stared wide eyed at the sight. Did....did Elliot just do that?

Elliot returned his attention to Ciel, his once furious eyes now sweet and caring once more. "Let's go Ciel, I'll take you home"

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now