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"Here we are Ciel! You are sure to have fun here" Elliot excitedly said as he takes Ciel's hand and practically drags her out of the carriage. Sebastian frowned at this but made no comment.

"Elliot, I can only spend just a few hours here with you. You have to promise me that when I say I want to go home, you'll let me" Ciel said sternly. "No fussing either"

"Yes yes, I promise" Elliot said, eyes distracted as he took in the Carnival's wonder. There were clowns, food stalls, a giant ferris wheel, games, and large tents that contained all kinds of shows.

"So which one should we go to first Ciel?" The blond asked.

"I suppose, the magic show" Ciel picked. "Great idea! Let's go" the trio consisting of Ciel, Elliot and Sebastian walked to a nearby large tent that had a sign that says Magnifico's Magnificence.

Once they were inside, they found good seats, when Elliot was about to sit by Ciel's side Sebastian beat him to it by sitting down next to his mistress. Elliot frowned but only for a moment. "I wanted to sit there" he said, trying to hide the sour in his voice.

"Just sit next to Sebastian Elliot, what's the problem?" Ciel said.

Elliot looked like he wanted to argue, but he just nodded and sat down beside the butler. Sebastian barely concealed the smug smirk he had on his face. Elliot glared at him.

"Is this payback for the smug look I gave him at the restaurant?" Elliot wondered. "No why would it be? Sebastian's not that petty"

Oh he couldn't be more wrong. Because yes, Sebastian can become that petty at times. He usually has his pettiness under control but the young Midford really annoyed him.

Sebastian and Ciel watched the magic show in silence, it was only Elliot making commentaries, making excited gestures and such. Ciel found Elliot's reactions quite cute, she found herself smiling at his childish excitement. "Yes it's true his childishness can be a source of annoyance, but I guess it's not always a bad thing" she thought.

"Oh my god!" Elliot screamed when Magnifico drank a bottle of wine and suddenly spat out fire.

The crowd went wild, cheering and screaming for more.

Magnifico sawed a woman in half and floated the other half above his head.

He made a little girl from the audience fly around the stage for a few seconds.

He juggled flaming knives and swallowed one whole.

He ate a small white snake and seven more slithered out of his pants and sleeves.

He turned a dog into a beautiful thinly clad woman.

Ciel was quite impressed, but not as much as Elliot was. The young man was practically bouncing up and down in his seat screaming for an encore. It was a little embarrassing but Ciel will just pretend she didn't know him.

"Do you think this is real magic?" Ciel asked out loud to Sebastian.

"Yes" Sebastian responded bluntly.

Ciel looked at her butler. "It is?"

"He's using real magic, nothing here is an illusion" Sebastian whispered in Ciel's ear. His warm breath against her ear made her shiver, causing Sebastian to smirk. "But they obviously don't know that" Sebastian said, gesturing to the audience.

Elliot turned to look at Ciel, a big smile on his face, expecting the girl he loved to also be smiling. But instead he found Sebastian leaning over his fiancé.

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now