An advice from a fortune teller

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She definitely wasn't going to Mey-rin for advice, since she was feeling ashamed of how she reacted to the woman being caught by Sebastian. She doubted Finnian, Snake, Tanaka and Bardroy can offer any help, and she doesn't know any other women whom she is close to on an intimate level to ask for such an advice.

Does Grell Sutcliffe pass as a woman? Ciel really doesn't know.

So Ciel dressed up in commoner clothing and put on a hooded cloak, intending to go out for a walk. "I'm going out" she said to Sebastian as she heads for the doors. The butler nodded and opened the door for her, about to follow her outside.

But she stopped him. "I need to be alone, you being near me will just give me a headache" she meant no offense by this and she hoped he understood. "Don't worry I'll be quick"

"But my lady, you might encounter trouble on your way, ruffians, and thugs, pick pockets and scoundrels" Sebastian warns, narrowing his eyes, concerned over his mistress's well being and wondering why she said him being with her would just give her a headache. "Allow me to accompany you"

"No, Sebastian" Ciel hissed. "Stay in the mansion, consider this an order" and with that the maiden pulled up her cloak and left the property. Sebastian stayed rooted on the spot, watching his lady's figure become smaller and smaller with each distance taken.

He sighed. His lady must be having one of those days. She's been grouchy since this morning. He felt her glaring at him in the garden, while she was sipping her tea, her intense blue eyes heatedly staring daggers at him. He was perplexed as to why, but forgot about it temporarily as he continued with his duties.

Could it be possible that the reason for this was because Mey-rin was in his arms? No, that would be preposterous, because that would mean Ciel was jealous. And for what reason would his lady be jealous?

"Although" Sebastian considered with amusement. "The lady being jealous would certainly be entertaining, and adorable" he snorted at the thought of a bristling, jealous Ciel.

He wondered if there has been other instances where Ciel has glared at him for attracting another woman and he has not noticed.

This thought made him feel pride and pleasured. His mighty little mistress, his lady, jealously glaring at women flocking him as she stands a few feet away, arms crossed over her hefty chest, finger tapping her arm. This image stroked his ego...The ego that he usually kept in check.

He was pulled away from his musings though by a loud smashing sound coming from a room nearby, and the panicked voice of Mey-rin. Sebastian sighed and went to check on her. With how incredibly clumsy the maid was he's surprised she hasn't caused herself to be impaled by tripping over her own feet yet. Though that is a possibility.

******Meanwhile: with our little lady, Ciel Phantomhive

Ciel found herself at the carnival again, looking at games and watching shows, trying to get her mind off of her demon butler. But she found herself still thinking of him, and of his appeal to women, and of his attractive features, and of the many times he's shielded her from danger, always being there for her, always there to save her, her black knight in shining armor.

"A demon who is a knight in shining armor, what a twisted fairy tale" she muses.

She saw the familiar tent of Imelda Harrington the fortune teller. Remembering how pleasant and polite the woman was when she last saw her, Ciel decided to drop by and....have a nice chat. Girl to girl.

"Hello" Ciel greeted, entering the tent, her nose was hit with the soft smell of the scented candles, and there sitting behind her low table was Imelda. Her curly black hair pulled up into a loose bun on her head. "Ciel Phantomhive! Lovely to see you again...sit down" the woman greeted with a smile. "Are you hear to ask for another reading? Want me to predict when your soulmate will ask for your hand?"

"No thank you, I already know when my wedding is" the blue haired girl said, thinking of Elliot. "I'm here"

"About your future? How about we consult the cards" Imelda laid out her deck of fortune telling cards but Ciel shook her head. "No, about my present"

"I don't have knowledge over the present dear, that's my younger sister's job. Her tent's just on the other side of the-"

"No! No no!" Ciel interrupts, frustrated. "I'm confused! I have...strange, confusing, downright frustrating feelings for my butler, the demon whom I signed a contract with! I get angry when other women fawn over him, and just this morning I was upset when my clumsy maid fell from a tree and he caught her" she released a frustrated breath she's been holding.

Imelda blinks, surprised, before smiling and leaning forward across the table. "Keep going, go on love. Tell me your troubles"

"I've known him since I was ten, and he's been by my side for so many years now. He's always looked after me, saved me, protected me, helped me achieve my goals..and...I--" The blue haired girl bites her lip as she feels her cheeks heat up, as she thinks about the butler who has been plaguing her mind all day. Curse him and his handsome face.

"I just cannot stop thinking about him" she admits. Imelda beams and let our a girlish squeal "Dear! Tell me the truth, does your heart beat fast when he is near you?"

"I-- well...yes" Ciel stuttered, frowning. "Why do you ask?"

"Do you search for his company the most? Are you most comfortable being with him?" Imelda presses on. Ciel blushes darkly "Er..yes" she admits. "Something is- something is wrong with me" she whispered moreso to herself.

"I think I know what's going on" Imelda smirks, playing with her cards. "You've fallen, or are falling, in love with Sebastian"

Ciel choked in her own spit and slaps her hand to her chest. "W-what!?" She gawks at Imelda who only beams at her. "You're in love!" Imelda happily says.

Ciel shook her head, cheeks lit a flame. "No, that's not possible, he's just a demon butler, a means to an end...our relationship is purely contractual- a-and I have a fiancé!"

"You admitted to being jealous of the women fawning over him, and expressed displeasure to your maid falling into his arms" Imelda pointed out. "You admitted that your heart races when he's near, and you're most comfortable in his presence" she lists off.

"Well- that's true yes, but-"

"You're blushing as red as a ripe tomato right now!" Imelda held out a small mirror and showed Ciel her reflection. Sure enough, Ciel's usually pale face was as red as a rose, the Phantomhive lady slapped her hands to her cheeks in a vain attempt to cover the rosiness.

"This is wrong! I can't be falling for Sebastian! I have Elliot!" Ciel stood up and glared down at Imelda. "This contradicts the future you told me about my life with Elliot, how can I have a happy, stable life with Elliot if I'm with Sebastian!?"

Imelda sighed and shakes her head. "Ciel dear, I never gave a name to whom you would spend your life with. For all we you could know, it could be with Sebastian"

Ciel felt her heart skip a beat. She clenched her fists and storms out of the tent, cheeks still flaming.

Her talk with the fortune teller did not clear her mind at all. If anything she's left more confused than ever.

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now