Finny's observation

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Finny wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but he certainly wasn't stupid. He usually keeps to himself and focus more on his gardening capabilities, but he still has eyes and know how to use them. He's been noticing something about the butler  Sebastian.

Finny has noticed how, hostile mister Sebastian has gotten with Ciel's fiancé Elliot. Sebastian had never really truly liked Elliot even before, but he wasn't open with his displeasure of Elliot.

Finny has been observing Sebastian and Elliot's interactions. They used to be quite civil with one another, with Sebastian being polite and every bit a perfect butler in front of Elliot no matter how much, to Finny's observation, Sebastian really didn't want to put up with Elliot Midford. But these days, Sebastian has been snarky, sarcastic, and condescending to the young lord.

"Does it have something to do with Ciel?" Finny wondered as he observed Sebastian serving tea to Ciel in the garden. They looked so...regal together. "Is Sebastian, possibly, maybe, jealous of Elliot?" He wondered.

That would make sense. Ciel has grown into a very beautiful young woman, she was stunning and radiated elegance and class. It would make sense for the butler to, have developed feelings for their mistress as the years went by.

Apart from Ciel's beauty, Sebastian and her have shared many memories together. They have fought side by side, the butler has rescued and protected her from danger, and Ciel always, always sought Sebastian.

They shared something, a bond.

Be it familial or something more, it was certainly there.

Finny watched Sebastian pour Ciel another cup of tea, soft smile present on his dashing face. The way he looked at Ciel, oh it definitely indicated something more.

"You notice too?" Came Mey-rin's voice. Finny looked at Mey-rin who had quietly approached him. He had been trimming the hedges while quietly observing Sebastian and Ciel's interactions. "The way the young mistress and Sebastian look at each other?" Finny asked. "Or how hostile Sebastian has been with sir Elliot? I have"

"Yesterday I had a talk with Sebastian about it" Mey-rin admits with a smile. "I've been noticing how much closer he and our lady has been, and I even brought up the possibility that the invisible wall that was between them some time ago has now been abolished" Mey-rin clasped her hands. "And I asked if there was a possibility he and our lady has an...intimate relationship"

"You said that!? What did Sebastian say?"

"He said it was all in my head and that I should stop reading too much love stories" Mey-rin deflated.

"Well, did you expect Sebastian to just straight up admit it?"

"I guess I did"

"I don't think he and the young mistress have that sort of relationship, at least not yet " Finny said with a warm smile. "We've both noticed it, it's as clear as glass, they like each other, but they're unaware or are in denial"

"That's cute" Mey-rin giggled. "Sebastian and Ciel, liking each other but are having trouble with their feelings! Just the thought of it makes me blush for them" the maid cupped her cheeks, feeling them heating up.

Finny giggled before returning to trimming the hedges. "Our young mistress and sir Sebastian are equally stubborn, I doubt they'll do anything unless the other makes the first move"

"And I doubt either of them would make any moves until they figure out how they truly feel" Mey-rin sighed. "I know it's none of our business, I mean...we're just the house servants"

"She's never seen us as just servants though" Finny reminded brightly. "We're family"

Mey-rin smiled. "Yes, family"

"Let's observe some more before we do anything to help them. Who knows? Maybe by next week Sebastian or Ciel have realized the depts of their feelings and they'll approach us for help!"

"I don't think they'll casually approach us for love advice Finny" Mey-rin chuckled.

"Indeed. They'll probably be more subtle, especially our lady Ciel. She'll probably pretend she's asking for a friend"

"And how many friends has our lady got?"

"Not many" Finny giggled. "Our lady is quite the introvert"

Mey-rin raised a brow, though Finny can't see it through her large glasses. "Introvert?"

"It's a new word recently invented. It means, a reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone, they are typically more comfortable interacting with small groups of people rather than large groups"

"Yes, I think that defines our lady Ciel" Mey-rin agrees.

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