No chance No Way, I won't say it No No

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Sebastian trailed after his lady but as soon as he reached her bedroom door she had slipped in and locked it. "My lady?" He called out. "Go away! I'm turning in early!" She hissed from the other side. Sebastian raised a brow. "You won't have your dinner my lady?" He asked. "No" she said steadily.

"Very well then, I shall leave you to rest, but if you need me just call me" Sebastian paused and placed a hand against the door, knowing Ciel was pressed against it on the other side. "I shall be by your side before you know it"

"I do know it" Ciel muttered. "I can count on always be there when I need you" she walked over to her bed and fell on her stomach, gathering her pillows, she pressed them against her face. She can't keep acting like a brat to Sebastian, sooner or later he'll stop humoring her and question what was the matter. And she doesn't think she'll be able to tell him because she really doesn't know what was the matter with her. Imelda's words still rings in her ears.

"You've fallen, or are falling, in love with Sebastian"

A demon....with a human?

A human, loving a demon? How utterly ridiculous, profound, unrealistic, impossible.

But when Ciel really thinks about it, after everything she's seen in this world nothing should be impossible anymore. She's met reapers, black magic users, cults, demons, ghosts. Maybe a love blossoming between a demon and their master wasn't so, out of the ordinary? Surely, it wouldn't be the first time a human were to fall for their demon, and maybe somewhere out there a demon also fell for a hu-

"No! What am I thinking?!" Ciel pulled on her hair, got out of bed and started pacing her bedroom.

She can't be in love with Sebastian! There is just no chance!

No way!

"I won't say it, no" Ciel grumbled. But at the back of her mind, her inner conscience were teasing her. You can't conceal it, you know how you feel and you know whom you're thinking of

"There's no chance!" She spun on her heels and faced her vanity. Why do you deny it? You swoon and sigh at the sight of him

"I won't say I'm in love, because I'm not in love" she stared at her pink face, her scrunched brows. She didn't even realize she was biting her lip.

Memories flashes in her mind. How she first met him, how ever since then he's been by her side, taking care of her, protecting her, siding with her, fighting along side her, doing whatever she wished from him but at the same time drawing a line when he thinks she needs one. Like when he refuses to feed her cake before dinner.

Ciel found herself smiling softly

You keep on denying how you're feeling, but your feelings have basically hit the ceiling. You're a grown up, face your feelings like one

The young female groaned and covered her face with her hands, still in denial. "No, there's no chance, no way that I could possibly-"

Just give up and give in

Sebastian's handsome face flashed in her mind. She imagined him smiling at her while calling her his lady, offering her his hand. She found herself smiling like an idiot.

Look at that grin, you're in love

"No I am not" she began pacing again, mind filled with thoughts of Sebastian as well as memories of Sebastian. It was like her world revolved around her black clad butler.

Or maybe it's always revolved around him but she just didn't notice.

Your stomach is doing flips, you're in love

"Why am I arguing with myself over my so called love for Sebastian? Have I gone mad? Argh!" Ciel fell on her bed and clutched the sheets. "Get off my case....I won't say.....I won't"

Don't be prideful, it's ok to be in love

Ciel allowed a smile to grace her features as she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. "At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love with him"

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now