Mey-rin's assumptions

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Mey-rin is the Phantomhive Manor's hopelessly clumsy maid. There is never an instance where she doesn't trip over her feet, break a plate, or crashes into something.

Still, she does her best to be a useful and helpful maid as she can be.

Despite being dangerously clumsy, she does have a keen eye. She is sharp, and observant, she has what one would call a 'sniper's eyes'. Her incredibly sharp eye sight has allowed her to see danger from a mile away and dispose of it efficiently.

She's not only a sharp observer of threats, but also of other peoples' behaviour. For example, she has noticed the subtle shift of dynamics between her master and coworker. Sebastian and Ciel always were a lot closer to each other than they were to the other staff, but Mey-rin has recently noticed something.

Sebastian would have a longing look whenever he was staring at Ciel, a soft smile gracing his handsome features. He's never looked at anyone like that in all the years Mey-rin has worked with him. Except maybe...for his cats.

And Ciel has been letting Sebastian get away with things lately. Be it teasing the young lady, or pulling little pranks on her. Mey-rin has even caught them sharing food together in the privacy of Ciel's room and office.

Her keen eyes would catch the gentleness on Ciel's expression, and the fond smile on her peony lips. Despite pretending to have a neutral expression, Mey-rin saw it. Ciel can deny ever having such an expression but Mey-rin knows what she saw. The way Ciel looked at Sebastian.

And the way Sebastian looked at her.

The way the young lady and her butler smiled at each other, teased each other.

How protective Sebastian is and how Ciel would be jealous whenever a woman would attempt to flirt with Sebastian.

It was quite obvious, the two were...very clearly, in a secret relationship!

"My young mistress, and sir Sebastian, together! How romantic, a forbidden love affair that must be hidden from prying eyes lest they be judged" Mey-rin thinks as she dusted the candelabras. "I may not be the brightest but I'm the most observant of all, that makes up for my lack of carefulness"

She continues to dust the furniture as she thought about her mistress and coworker. "I wonder, does Finny, Bardroy, Snake and Mister Tanaka know?"

Finny is too oblivious, Bardroy is narrow minded, Snake isn't really interested in things like relationships and such, and Tanaka was...well, Tanaka. She doubted they knew.

"What should I do with my knowledge? I know I ought to keep my mouth shut, but this secret is killing me inside! Mistress Ciel and Sebastian having an affair behind sir Elliot's back. Lady Ciel choosing a humble butler over her rich fiancé, oh my! It's like a plot for a play!" The maroon haired girl let out a girlish giggle.

"Lady Ciel and sir Sebastian! After-- after all these years! They've finally acted on the romantic tension surrounding them and entered into a whirlwind romance, the way they look at each other, the longing in their eyes! Oh how romant-" the woman stopped her train of thought when the vase she was polishing slipped out of her hands and smashed to pieces.

"Oh no!" She gasped and began picking the pieces up, only to cut herself.

"Mey-rin what happened?" Came Sebastian's smooth voice. The maroon haired woman resisted the urge to shiver at his silken voice. She used to have a crush on Sebastian some years ago, it faded away over time as the years went by. But the effect his wonderful voice has on her still remained.

"Oh! Um uh, it's nothing I just" she covered her bleeding palm. "I broke a vase and tried picking up the pieces, but I ended up hurting myself"

"Give me your hand" Sebastian said pulling out a white handkerchief from his breast pocket and started wiping Mey-rin's bloody palm. "Oh dear, you should be more careful  Mey-rin"

"You know me, haha, clumsy Mey-rin always breaking things" Mey-rin laughed awkwardly.

Sebastian simply smiled as he bandaged her hand.

"Um, Sebastian"


"You and the lady have been, inseparable these days" she brought up. "It's really killing me inside! I can't take it anymore!"

"That's not out of the ordinary. I've been her shadow since she was twelve" Sebastian said.

"Well said but, I just noticed that you two have gotten closer. there was an invisible barrier between you two before and now that barrier is gone, allowing you and the lady to, maybe it's just in my head, to become intimately closer?" She did what she hoped was an innocent smile.

Sebastian raised a brow. "Are you implying that the young mistress and I are involved romantically?"

"You can cut the professional act Sebastian we're the only ones here" Mey-rin dropped. "I'm not that smart but I'm also not dumb. And I'm a very sharp sighted woman too, I've seen the way you look at her" she cheered inside when Sebastian's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about Mey-rin?"

"You love mistress Ciel!" She squealed in delight, cheeks pink.

Sebastian's face became blank. His eyes were the only ones displaying emotions. There was disbelief and confusion there, followed by frustration and longing.

Mey-rin was confused. Why would Sebastian be frustrated and yet longing for something?

Then the raven haired man had a subtle smirk, followed by a dismissive chuckle.

"I think you've been reading far too much love novels Mey-rin, and you've been misreading my actions for my mistress. I am her butler, therefore it is my duty to care for her and protect her, to come to her beck and call, and fulfill her demands to my best abilities. There is nothing more to it than that"

"So, you're not in a romantic relationship with Ciel?" Mey-rin pressed on.

Sebastian gave a swift denial, followed by a stern expression.

"Oh" Mey-rin felt embarrassed, and disappointed. She really thought she was right, that Ciel and Sebastian were having a secret love affair and that they were madly in love.

"Maybe Sebastian's right, maybe I have been reading too much love stories"

"I'm sorry Sebastian!" Mey-rin bowed in apology.

Mey-rin hurriedly left the room, ears red.

Once Sebastian is alone did he let out the breath he was holding in. Him? A demon in love with his mistress? Him, an all powerful being in love with a weak mortal?

That's just not possible. No, not at all.

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now