Confusing new feelings

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Sebastian was handsome, Ciel was well aware of that. He was brilliant, dependable, a gentleman to women, very attractive. Yes he was a real catch. The demon butler could spellbound any woman he wanted, barely even lifting a finger.

Ciel knew this a long time ago. She can count how many times Sebastian has used his charm and looks to weasel information for them or get them out of trouble. Him being approached by other women never bothered Ciel before, so...what was going on now!?

It started one morning when Ciel was in the garden drinking her favorite tea, enjoying the fresh air cooling her skin. Nearby, Mey-rin was climbing the rose tree Finny recently planted, god knows why she was climbing the thing.

The maroon haired woman lost her footing, she released a short yell and she fell down. The woman braced for the hard impact, but instead she found herself caught in the strong arms of Sebastian. "Are you alright?" Sebastian asked. Mey-rin blushed as she gazed up at her savior, the way the sun hit his ivory skin made him glow, and his smoldering red eyes made Mey-rin's knees weak.

"I am now" she giggled dreamily. When she realized what she said, she blushed beet red out of embarrassment and covered her face with her hands. Sebastian chuckled and set her down.

This whole exchange was witnessed by Ciel, who was now frowning deeply, her grip on her teacup tight. "She wouldn't have fallen if she wasn't climbing the tree in the first place, foolish woman" Ciel angrily thought. She likes Mey-rin a lot, being the only girl in the staff she would occasionally strike up conversations with her that wasn't work related, she considered the woman her friend. But right now Ciel had this urge to throw a pebble at the maroon haired woman's head, which bothered her greatly.

"Mey-rin just fell and almost got hurt, why am I angry at her?" Ciel wondered, stirring her cup.

She turned to look at Mey-rin and Sebastian again, the woman was still blushing, talking to the butler. Sebastian said something that caused Mey-rin to vigorously shake her head, face turning even redder.

Ciel scoffed, her bad mood lasting all morning, made worse by the fact she didn't understand why she felt this way.

It happened again during the afternoon

She was out shopping for new shoes with Sebastian. She was browsing her options, with Sebastian standing boredly a few feet away from her. Ciel picked up a pair of blue pumps that she liked and turned around to ask Sebastian for his opinion.

When she saw the butler being fawned over by two women. The sales woman and her assistant.

They were beautiful, the sales woman had long curly blonde hair that reached her mid back, deep green eyes and a small nose. Her assistant had jet black hair and ivory skin, her eyes were a warm brown.

"I've noticed you around London good sir, you assist that cute little girl with her shopping, you're such a gentleman!" The assistant gushed. Ciel scowled. "Little girl!?" She bristled. "Do they not know who I am!?"

"My good sir you are so remarkably handsome! Your hair is as dark as midnight, and eyes the same color as the ripest apple, have you got a lady in your life?" The sales woman batted her lashes at Sebastian.

"Yes he has me" Ciel thinks angrily. When she realized what she thought, she blushed and shook her head. "What the bloody hell am I thinking!? What is happening to me!? First with Mey-rin and now this?"

She returned her attention to choosing shoes, but kept an ear out for the women and Sebastian.

She scowled and rolled her eye when Sebastian complimented the women, and in turn they gushed about him even more. "How undignified" she thinks, wincing at the women's voices.

"Forgive me, but I must return my attention to my young mistress, she doesn't like me being away from her for too long" Sebastian excused, pushing past the two women and walking up to Ciel.

"Hah! I don't care if you're away from me for hours, I am NOT a little girl and I don't need you watching over me. Go back to those women!" Ciel snarled in her head, wanting so much to say those words to Sebastian. But doing so would show how upset she was that he was talking to those women and in turn Sebastian would ask questions as to why she was upset...and it would confuse her even more because she didn't know!

When they returned home, after buying the shoes Ciel chose, the young lady locked herself in her room and ordered her butler not to bother her until dinner time.

She paced in her bedroom, brushing her hair, her thoughts in disarray.

She thought about how angry she was at Mey-rin for falling. After thinking about it more, she realized she wasn't angry at Mey-rin for falling, she was angry that the woman was caught by Sebastian.

"That doesn't make bloody sense, did I want her to get hurt?" Ciel thought.

Next she thought about how upset she was of Sebastian talking, though it looked like he was flirting , with those sales women at the boutique. She was throwing a tantrum in her head, and kept stealing glances at Sebastian.

"What do I care!? He can frolick with any women he wants! It's not my business" the woman threw her brush on her bed and went to her balcony. She glared outside, staring down at Snake and Finny tending to the garden.

She needed to talk to someone about this, but who?

Mistress Phantomhive(Sebastian x Fem Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now