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(So basically Tamara told Tim that she has the adoption papers for Tim)
Tim didn't get it at first until Tamara pulled up the papers.
T: T, are you sure about this?
Ta: Yes, dad, you mean so much to me, you helped me through the process of losing someone important and you let me stay here while you didn't have to...
T: Tamara I would love to adopt you, and I definitely will need help with this baby...
They stood up hugged tight
Tim signed the papers and Tamara took a picture with the papers and Tim.
Ta: I love the picture!
T: if you can send it to me, it'll stand on the TV cabinet.
Tamara sent the picture to Tim.
Ta: to bad that mom isn't in the picture...
T: Yeah, but she would be proud of you finally asking.
Ta: you're probably right...
T: you want to watch a movie or smth?
Ta: no, I'm tired and I need to babysit tomorrow.

Tamara went to bed and Tim sat on the couch texting Angela.
T: hey, I need to talk to you, can you come over? Tam is already in bed...
Ang: sure, be there in 20 I'm just helping Wes to put the kids in bed.
T: sure, tell the kids and Wesley I said hi.
Ang: will do!
End of chat...

20 min later...
There was a knock on the door so Tim went to open it as it was Angela.
Ang: hey Tim, you know it's late? What's wrong?
T: I'm so do sorry, I just needed to talk to someone...
Ang: and that someone is me?
T: Yeah well Luce isn't here anymore, so I guess so...
T: take a seat, you want something to drink?
Ang: a soda please, I need the energy the baby is being tiring.
T: erm, sure.
Tim got Angela a soda and went to sit down on the couch.
Ang: so what's wrong?
T: I need to talk to you about a few things...
Ang: Sure, what is it?
T: so we picked a name, but you can't know it yet and second I don't think that Tamara is okay now...
Ang: how come?
T: her bf broke up with her because she was "under dressed".
Tim said with signing the quotation marks.
Ang: that son of a bitch!
T: That's what I said, but I don't know what to do now...
Ang: just let her know you're here for her.
Ang: there is more you want to tell me?
T: Well there also happened something good. She asked if I would adopt her.
Ang: omg! Congrats I'm proud of you!
T: shhh, Tamara is asleep.

Meanwhile in Tamaras room:
Tamaras pov:
So I woke up from someone's voice bit it wasn't my dad's so I went to the living room and saw Angela and my dad on the couch.
T: I'm so so sorry for waking you up.
Ta: don't worry about it I couldn't sleep so it isn't that big of a deal. Hey Angela.
Ang: hey T, everything alright?
No, but I'm not gonna tell her, right. Come on T, you can't cry infront of them!
T: Tamara?
Ta: erm yeah, I'm alright sorry sleeps just kicking in. You mind if I grab a bottle of water?
T: No, go ahead.
Ta: thanks...
Ang: well I have to go Wesley's probably waiting for me to head to bed. Goodnight!
T and Ta: goodnight be safe!
Ang: I will!
Angela left and I walked back to my room until my dad called me back.

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