Liv Luca Angelina Bradford

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Tamaras pov:
I called my dad
T: Hey T, where are you?
Ta: Well, I'm down the hall. What room are you and Angela in?
T: room 316, why?
Ta: Well, the receptionist wouldn't let me come over.
T: Okay, but come quick, I think Angela needs your help more. Then I can call Wesley.
Ta: Isn't he here yet?!
T: No, but I'm gonna go. Angela has another contraction.
Ta: Sure, see you in a min.
I walked a little faster and tried calling Wesley while walking, but I  got a voice-mail.
W: This is Wesley, I'm not reachable. If it's not important, just call me back later. If it is important, let an errand behind after the beep. *beep*
Ta: Hey Wesley, it's Tamara, your wife is in labor, we're at Shaw.
I put the phone down and finally found room 316. I knocked on the door, and my dad opened.
T: Hey, you're here. Are the kids at school?
Ta: Yes, and I called Wesley, but he is still in a meeting with his client...
Ang: Oh, Tamara, you're finally here. Were the kids good?
Ta: Yeah, they were helpful. How are you?
Ang: In pain, but I know that it's worth it in the end.

Skip 4 hours later
Wesley was finally at the hospital, and it would now be time to deliver the baby.

Doc: Okay, Angela, you're fully dilated. The baby could come every moment now.
T: We'll give you two some privacy, come on Tam.
Ang: No, wait, I want you two to see the baby directly after birth.
T: Guess we don't have a choice...
Ta: Well, I do, and I don't want to see it.
T: Come on Tam, you can't leave your aunt now.
Ta: Yes, i can, and i will. Bye, guys.
Ang: Tam, if you leave now, I will not give birth!
Ta: Is it possible to leave the child in there?
Ang: I will do everything I can to keep her inside.
T: Guess you have to stay now.
Ta: Yeah, this is gonna be disgusting.
A half hour later:
Doc: There she is. It's a girl.
T: she's beautiful.
Ta: Yeah, she is.
Wes: Angela? Ang?!
Angela went unconscious.
Doc: Okay, everyone, step aside.
We all stepped aside and saw Angela and the baby took into surgery, the cry that came out of Liv made a Tim cry, I stood next him and gave him a hug but he stepped back and shook his head, I saw Wesley getting pulled back by the security but he couldn't get through, I walked up to him.
Ta: Come on, Wes, they'll be okay, Angela's strong.
Wesley nodded, and I thought it was an understanding nod.

Wesley's pov:
I nodded at Tamara in pure anger, I walked up to Tim and started to fight him.
W: This is all your fault. If you just accepted Lucy's death, Angela wouldn't be in surgery right now!
T: What? I didn't know this was gonna happen, Angela has been pregnant 4 times, and this never happened!

4 times what does he mean?

W: we only have been pregnant 2 times!
T: No, Angela has been 4. You see, when Angela was 19, she was pregnant of her death ex, but she decided to move on and abort the baby! I've been with her every moment of the pregnancy, went to the OB appointments with her, went with her when she decided, and went with her when she aborted the baby!
I was still angry and kicked him in his balls, I didn't see Tamara anymore, but when she came back, there was security with her.
Security: Mr. Evers, you need to come with us.
W: y-you don't understand.
Security: Come on, just come with us.
T: Just let him stay. It's okay.
Security and Tamara: Are you sure?
T: Yes, just let him sit on the chair.
W: Please, I'll listen to him.
Security: If you say so.
Ta: I'm sorry for bothering you.
Security: Don't worry about it. Come get us when you need something.
Ta: I will.
The security left, and Tamara closed the door.
W: You called security on me?!
T: it's okay, you did well, well I need some fresh air, you come with?
Ta: uhm, yeah.
Tim and Tamara went outside and stood on the roof of the hospital.
Ta: Is it true about the fourth pregnancy?
T: uhm, yeah, she was 19. I didn't know what to do, so she just came to my father's house, and she looked for me.
Ta: I can't imagine going through that.
T: Yeah, it was, though. we became closer than ever.
Ta: she'll be forever thankful for that.
T: Or hate me for getting her into surgery.
Ta: Thinking like that doesn't change a thing, it happened. And you couldn't do anything to avoid this.
T: I should've asked a surrogate.
Ta: No, I didn't want a stranger to care my little sister.
T: Right, come on we should probably go back.
when Tim and Tamara came back in the room they greeted Wesley and sat back dow until a doctor came.
Doc: hey, uhm could you guys wait in the waiting area we need this room.
T: sure, hows mss Lopez?
Doc: She's good and the baby too, the docters will bring the baby in a room in a few and fill in the birth certificate with you.
T: thank you.
W: Do you know when they'll bring in Angela?
Doc: she'll be brought with the baby.
Tim, Wesley and Tamara left and sat in the waiting room until it was almost 5pm and there was a docter walking up on them. Tim stood up and asked if they both were okay and in which room they woud be.
Doc: they're both fine they are doing some tests on the baby but that should be done in a few you can go meet them in room 982.
T: thanks doc.
Doc: no problem, I'm happy to help.
Tim, Tamara and Wesley wolked to the room but Tim stopped infront of the door.
T: Wes, I know that you want to see Angela but is it okay if Tamara and I go in first to meet Liv?
W: No, sure I get it, go in and meet that kid.

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