meeting Lucy again

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Tim's pov:
I let Tamara walk in first and followed right after her, we went over to Angela's bedside where she was holding her, and I got this feeling again, the feeling I got when meeting Lucy. She looks beautiful.
Ta: she's so cute!
Tamara said, and I grinned.
Ang: Do you want to hold her?

3rd person pov:
Ta: Yeah, sure, but I don't want to hurt her. She's so tiny and fragile.
T: Just like Lucy. She has the nose and the eyes.
Ang: she does.
Angela said while giving the baby to Tamara.
Ang: So what's her name?
T: Do you want to say it?
Ta: No, go ahead. It's your kid.
T: Sure, her name is Olivia Luca Angelina Bradford. But we'd like to call her Liv.
Ang: That's literally so beautiful, and I feel honored that you called her after me, and I'm sure Lucy would love the name.
T: Thanks, but Angelina was more Tamaras idea.
Ang: Thank you, T.
Ta: Do you want to hold her?
T: Sure, but show me how first.
Tamara showed Tim how and gave her to him.
T: I'm a father now.
Ang: You are.
Ta: I can't believe it. She's so tiny.
T: I know.
Ta: This kind of feels weird, 5 hours ago, I wasn't near being a sister.
T: No, but you are now.
Tim held Liv up to his head and kissed her head.
T: I know your mom isn't here, but she would be so proud of you, and even though she isn't here, I promise you that you'll know how amazing she was. 
Ta: she was the kindest, most caring woman I've ever known, and you should be thankful to be her daughter.
In the meantime, Angela was crying, and she thought of her best friend.
Kind, love able, and caring, Liv looks so much like Lucy, it's almost creepy.
Ang: She looks so much like her.
Tim and Tamara immediatly knew that she was talking about Lucy.
While Tim had a tear in his eye he said ''She does...''.
Ta: It's almost like meeting her again.
Tamara added now bawling her eyes out.
T: Come here, pumpkin.
Tamara moved over to Tim and Liv, then Tim pulled her in for a half hug.

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