Episode 1-A: The Willow Switches. (Image Rebecca)

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Deep in the heart of a summer camp just off an island of Hawaii. A bright and sunny place surrounded by palm trees, soft green grass and bright white sand. The water is so blue you can see your reflection. Standing on the island shore is a cute young girl around 16 years old with dark brown skin and deep brown eyes. She is wearing a cute pink skirt and a matching shirt. Her legs were buried deep into the sand as she smiled at the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, rather children of all ages. My name is Summer Scarlett, and I am proud to welcome and bring you all to Camp Spanked Bottom, my little private piece of home and for the next few weeks. It is going to be shared between twenty young contestants, all from the ages of 12 and 13 who have one goal in mind. Be the last kid standing for the ultimate prize of 125,000 dollars, and the right to be crowned the king or queen or spanko island, and the prize of no spankings for an entire year."

The girl freed her legs from the sand and stood up to her feet. "We have found these children from all across the United States, from many different walks of life. Some have never been spanked before in their life, others have experienced more than they can count. There will be lies, tricks and pranks, who is gonna be a good boy and girl and play the game right, or who is gonna be naughty and get friend and foe spanked? My challenges for this season, all so simple but all have a slightly stingy ending to them." The girl reached into her pocket and held up two golden looking passes. "Hidden in this camp is four passes that can grant immunity, there are a few other little tricks to help sway people and the votes to your favor. I hope you all look forward to it and I am excited for the first season of, "Spanking Survivor!"

On one side of this beautiful looking summer camp, under eight palm trees that stand silently like soldiers. There were two large picnic tables that sat outside of a large wooden cabin that had two floors, inside were beds for five girls and five boys that were located on the 2nd floor. There were two separate bathrooms, one on the first and one on the second. THe inside of this cabin were darker colors but it had a cozy feeling to it. A large but empty fireplace, a nice looking kitchen that was waiting for someone to come and cook inside of it. The boys room had softer blue colors, and the girls room with softer pink colors. Coming up one of the many paths that lead to different areas of this campground. Was a fit looking 12 year old girl with dark brown eyes and honey brown hair. She had milky white skin and was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a spotless white shirt. Her eyes came to rest upon a large white flag that was waving in the breeze, it had two sharp looking willow switches on it. A fitting name for the team that she had been assigned too.

The camera adjusted slightly as this small girl stepped inside of the camera and she took a seat on the large couch. This living room did not have a television but had a lot of fun looking things to play with. "H-Hi," she greeted shyly, " my name is Rebecca Gill, I am 12 years old and very excited to hopefully win this entire thing." She blushed a bit as she seemed to have been asked a question by someone behind the camera. "I am nervous that some of the games involve spankings, I am not embarrassed to say that I get a few of them. I am a bit more active and it gets me in trouble." Her blush faded slightly as she was asked another question. "Well, if I win my mom wants to put a lot of it to school but she says I can use a good amount on anything I want... within reason." Her smile grew. "I hope I meet a lot of new friends."

The door to the cabin opened up revealing a dark brown skinned boy with very tight looking dreadlocks. He had a cocky little smile on his face and dark green eyes. He was wearing black shorts, a black sleeveless shirt and had a brown suitcase with her. "Hey there," he greeted with a hint of a county accent. He set his suitcase by the door and walked over to Rebecca. His hand held out in a friendly way. "My name is Keon Carr."

The image shifted and showed Keon sitting on the couch next. "Yeah I am gonna win, there is no one else that can win this thing personally. Am I worried that I might get a whoopin here or there?" He shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Not really to be honest, I mean it would suck I am not really worried about it though. My eyes are on that prize. When I win this game, I am gonna use the money to get a new game system and then give the rest to my daddy and momma."

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