Episode 2-A: Elimination Challenge (Image Brandon)

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The Willow Switches Camp.

It was a quiet trip back to the camp for The Willow Switches, well it would be quiet if it was not for Keon's constant mumbling under his breath. As soon as they seemed to reach the groove where their cabin was located, the boy in question threw down the flag he had been holding. Throwing it so hard against the edge of one of the picnic tables that the wooden pole of the flag snapped into two pieces. "What are you all doing!" The boy snapped as he turned back to look specifically at the three of teammates that refused to do the challenge at all. "Are you three that much of losers that you can't handle a freaking whoopin 'for even a minute, not an attempt, not nothing!"

"Okay, stop complaining about it," Hannah snapped right back with a small pout starting to form across her face. "You are talking like you even got us a point or anything."

"At least I freakin tried instead of just dropping out, it's in the title of the show, so you could have expected this to happen at some point!"

"I am not getting spanked with a switch, are you out of your mind! Especially not for something as easy as a stupid tv and movies." Hannah looked around at her teammates hoping that maybe one of them would take mercy on her. "I mean come, could anyone here really handle that thing?"

"It is not about handing it," Arkell remarked. "It's about at least trying to do something, and not quitting cause it might hurt." Arkell stepped forward. "I mean to be fair, I am pretty sure seven of us aren't happy that we all tried our hardest at least, I mean I took 15 licks with a tawse for us to get a point. While you three just gave up."

"Can I maybe say something?" Jacob began. "I think I can maybe speak for everyone when I say we aren't mad or anything."

"I am mad." Keon mumbled.

"Okay Keon is mad," Jacob rolled his eyes for a moment. "However, we are all just saying that we are frustrated, cause remember Miss Scarlett said when she announced the challenge in our cabin, that the name of the game was gonna be luck, and seeing how far you are willing to go for this team. So with you three not doing it, it seems like you aren't willing to do anything for us."

"Kinda has a point." Giana added.

Hannah looked over at the Asian American girl ready to call out the fact that she had only taken one swat from the paddle before giving up. However she had to stop herself, if she had tried and given up after one swat maybe she would have been okay. "Says the girl that only took one swat from a paddle before giving up." Hannah looked over at Dolanda who had said what was on her mind. "Yall are really making a big fuss out of nothing, we lost a tv, just win next time and I am sure she is gonna offer us one at some point."

"It is not about the freaking TV!" Keon snapped. "You three didn't even try!"

"And getting loud at people is gonna solve what?" Dolanda answered with a smirk on her face. "Is the little boy sad that he didn't get a point either, so as far as I am concerned you don't have a leg to stand on." A bit of the attitude in her voice faded as she looked over at Jacob. "That wasn't offensive right?"

Jacob chuckled a bit at that. "I am okay, it's just a saying."

Dolonda nodded her head before turning her dark eyes back onto Keon who was now pacing back and forth on the sand. "Stop doing all of that pacing like you wanna fight someone, being extra for no reason."

"How am I being extra!"

"Cause you keep yelling like anyone here gives a fuck or is scared of you!"

"Enough!" Arkell shouted out as he stepped between the two arguing preteens. "What happened is over and done, some will forget it, some might not but let's stop yelling at each other and just go have fun." Arkell suggested. He waved his arms around for a moment. "We are in a beautiful park on the island, and we have games inside. We can just relax and get to know each other more."

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