Episode 2-B: The First Tribal Council. (Image Hannah)

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It was a very long and quiet walk back to the The Oak Brushes cabin as not only the idea of their first loss and the knowing fact that they were gonna have to send someone home was the one thing that seemed to be on everyone's mind. Funny enough the loudest members of their team Henry and Piper were now very quiet. As they arrived back to their cabin they all gathered into the living room where Gabriel had taken a seat on the couch. "Okay, so we maybe make this a bit more fair than what hte adults on survivor go and do."

"And what do they do?" Amari asked.

"I mean split off into like three groups and start making plans behind everyone's back." Gabriel answered. "I think it is fair enough that maybe we go around the room and just cast names for who we should maybe at least come to a conclusion on who we should reasonably vote for."

"And what names are you thinking?" Henry asked in a quiet vote.

"No offense," Gabriel began as he pointed towards Henry and Piper. "I think that you two should be the ones that maybe should go home."

"Why..." Piper asked in a low whine.

"Maybe cause you two suck at giving directions!" Shaquira snapped as she looked away from the two of them with a pout forming across her face. "I mean you had it together for a moment and than both just started screaming over each other. We would have won if we had really good instructions! Instead we lost and now someone has to go home."

"And gets a spankie before they go home." Marcie added from her new favorite spot on Kala's lap. "If we are voting do we raise our hands or just write names, cause I still struggle with spelling."

"I can help you," Kala remarked.

"Okay but we can't put the blame on just us!" Piper cried out. "We all didn't do that good today, we got behind really early."

"Because again," Damian spoke up. "You two weren't giving directions just screaming to out due each other."

"They have a point," Logan added. "However... it would not really be fair to just send one of them home because of what happened today. We have to maybe think about the strength of the team as a whole and no offense." Logan turned his eyes onto Marcie. "One of us is the youngest and smallest, and to make things go quicker I had to carry her in the challenge. Which isn't a problem but what happens if the next challenge is a lot of running or carrying things by ourselves and not as a team."

"That is a good point." Gabriel added.

"That is not fair either," Shaquira added much to Marcie relief. "To be fair the only reason she got carried was because Henry made the suggestion." Shaquira looked over at Logan. "Before you got that order, was she holding you back from moving right?"

"Not really," said Logan. "And I suppose you have a point, it is not fair for me to say that."

"So we are in agreement of sending Piper home." Henry said, hoping to add that small seed into the already hot pot.

"Why me!" Piper cried out.

"Cause you sat down and stopped calling out orders."

"Cause you wouldn't let me speak, you were the one that started yelling over me!" Piper cried as a few worried tears starting to form in her eyes. "Come on, you can't blame me for all of this! You are just as guilty as me and that is not fair!"

"Okay let's all calm-" Gabriel started.

"Everyone is calm, except for Piper who is freaking out cause she knows that she should be." Henry didn't finish as Piper rolled up onto her feet and ran out of the cabin, a few sobs escaping her voice.

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