Episode 1-3: The First Reward Challenge: Wheel of Spanking. (Keon)

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The two girls in question each took a deep breath before stepping up to Summer Scarlett. Rebecca's face looked a bit flushed, probably from the thought of getting a spanking so soon. "Good luck," she whispered to the Hawaiian native.

"You too." Kala answered back.

Summer looked at the two girls for a moment, Rebecca was a bit taller and skinnier while a bit more toned, stronger arms and legs, she even had a nice looking six pack on her tummy. "So before I have, Kala spin this good old wheel of mine, I have to ask you two one questions, and don't worry I am gonna ask everyone the same question but tell the folks watching at home. Are spankings a more common punishment in your household."

"I guess I will start," Rebecca said with a nervous laugh. "If I am being honest, it is a very common punishment at least for me."

"S-Same here," Kala answered, her light brown cheeks turning pink as well.

"And what is the worst thing you have ever gotten?" Summer asked.

Kala pointed towards the wooden hairbrush. "I have never gotten anything harder than a hairbrush."

"And what about you, Rebecca."

The other girl pointed towards one of the switches in question. "My grandma used one of those before and trust me it is not a good time."

"Than let's hope that luck is on your side with this first spin." Kala took a deep breath before grabbing the edge of the small wheel and giving it a small spin. The seven colors molded together for a few seconds making a nice rainbow pattern. Both girl's shared a nearly glance with each other once more as the wheel came to a gentle stop on the word plastic hairbrush. "And we have stopped on the plastic brush," Summer declared as she reached over and took the brush in her hand. "And I believe you all also read and signed off on how most of these spankings are gonna go." Both girl's blushed once more. "Than when you are ready, you can take those pants down just enough and both of you can lay over my lap for this one."

Rebecca took a deep breath before taking down her shorts exposing a pair of simple white underwear, and Kala did the same though hers were white covered with a flower print. Both girls walked over and laid across Summer's lap. Both let out a small eep as the girl gave them both a few soft pats with this lighter feeling brush. To both girl it didn't really feel that bad, nothing that they could not handle. That was until they felt the sting of that brush for the few swats, it seemed the plastic design packed a far quicker sting than either of them could have guessed. A chorus of high pitched yelps began to fill the air as well as the soft thudding of a brush across two bottoms. Summer started with Rebecca's left cheek and spanked all the way across until she finished on Kala's right cheek. About a minute and a half has passed and she had two very squirmy girls right now. Rebecca's yelps a bit louder but her squirming was not as bad as Kala whose legs were kicking a bit faster now with each spank that was landed. Summer had not increased her pace or her strength, if anything she was going easy on the girl's but even her going easy could be considered a mild spanking.

"I give!" Kala cried out bringing this first spanking of the show to a stop. Despite her strong looking body, she was not that good at taking a spanking. There was a wave of cheers from The Willow Switches and a series of groans from The Oak Brushes team. Kala quickly got off of Summer's lap, her hands coming to rest on her slightly stinging rump as she rubbed gently.

The camera shifted, showing the girl off on her own a bit upset looking. "Does it suck losing the first point? Of course it does and it sucks even more since unlike Rebecca who took it with ease, I couldn't even go two minutes."

The camera switched over to Rebecca, who after replacing her clothes, went back to her team giving out high fives and a few hugs. While Kala went over and hugged Amari. "Let's see who, give me Keon Carr, and Brandon Todd." Keon gave the other boy a confidence looking smile as he strolled forward with his arms crossed over his chest. Brandon rolled his eyes as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked over as well. "I am gonna ask you both the same question, what is your experience and what is the worst thing you have ever gotten spanked with."

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