Episode 4-C: Plans are Made, Tribal Council. (Image Hilo)

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Back at The Oak Brush camp it had been a very long boat ride back to their home. Unlike last time when Gabriel had called a group meeting to discuss who should leave. Instead everyone just seemed to break off into small groups having lost after only needing one more win was kinda hard on everyone. "I should have saw that coming." Kala remarked once she had changed out of her swimsuit into a light skirt and a tank top. "Ms. Summer never said anything about no spankings, just like she said nothing about not being about to tickle."

"Did your rump really still sting that much?" Amari asked.

"A bit and it was just wearing off before she did that." Kala pouted as she laid down beside her best friend. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know, cause I don't really want to lose anyone or sentence them to whatever punishment is waiting for them by their parents. What do you think your parents might have asked Ms. Summer to spank you for if you leave?"

Kala blushed a tiny bit. "I might have told my momma that I don't need to clean my room as I am gonna be a famous tv star now. So it is still probably very messy. What about you?"

"I might have said a few swear words before I left home, so maybe that is it. However, as long as we don't get eliminated then I am sure we are gonna be just fine." The door cracked open as Shaquira peeked inside and walked over. "Hi, Shaquira." Amari said with a small wave.

"Hey," she said quietly. "So I was thinking about what we should do, and I really like the idea of us getting rid of one of the boys."

"How come?" Both girl's asked in unison.

"Cause that is gonna keep giving us more and more numbers. There are five of us and only four of them, so it would be the easiest vote of all time." Shaquira explained. "I am just saying that it would be the best possible choice in the world for us to make right now."

"Yeah but who would we even get out?" Amari asked. "Cause last time I checked, Gabriel and Damian are really strong, whether it comes to physically or even the spanking challenges. Logan is really nice and Brandon is smart. So regardless of this choice we are gonna lose someone that makes us really strong."

"What other option is there?" Shaquira asked.

"Well," Kala began. "What if we kept the team strong and we send Marcie home?" She suggested tenderly. "I really do love Marcie a lot, she is like a little sister to me. However, she doesn't really do go in the reward challenges, today she was thrown like a rag doll into the water. She is not that fast because of her littles. I am sure she would rather explore Hawaii with her mommy and daddy than stay here and keep playing these games."

Shaquira sat down on the bed with the two girls. "I mean, I see where you are coming from but we could probably keep her around for as long as we need her. She will always vote now we want her to vote, and we would still mostly control the game."

"We could also keep control of the game if we just send Marcie home, and hope that she hasn't been too bad cause of what Ms. Summer said." Amari said.

"Besides, Logan really likes us so we could always just bring him onboard when this is all over and done with, and if we have to than we can get rid of him to keep this girls only idea you have going strong." Kala added.

Shaquira sighed before slowly nodding her head. "I can go start telling the others what we are gonna do. I don't wanna do this to Marcie but you all have a point." However, as the girl went to push open their bedroom door. She raised an eyebrow as something seemed to be in front of the door, cause she could not push it open. "What is happening?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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