Episode 4-A: A Paddling to an Advantage. (Image Logan)

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That night after The Willow Switches had eaten a nice dinner prepared by Arkell and Giana, they played a game with everyone. Giana was looking out of the window and she could see in the dim light that came from the moon Hilo was sitting on one of the tables outside. Giana silently left the girl's room, wrapping herself in a house coat that she had brought with her from home. She made her way outside and sat down on the picnic tables with the boy. "Are you okay?"

The Japanese boy shook his head a few times. "I've been trying to keep it together but I don't like what happened."

"You mean how Keon went home?"

Hilo nodded her head. "I am upset cause I think it was the wrong choice, I don't like how no one even told us about what they were planning, I really liked Keon even if he was a bit of a hot head." Hilo tucked his legs up against his chest. "And I don't like how Franklin seemed to switch on all of us. I thought we had a good thing going, and now. I guess this is how it feels to be on the bottom."

"I don't think we are on the bottom." Giana noted. "As long as we are with Arkell then we should be fine."

"But what happens if Arkell is on the bottom or just goes back with Franklin and the others?" Hilo pointed out with a frown. "Suddenly they are seven strong, and what happens if people learn that it was me and you that also voted for Hannah while she is in that majority? It seems like we are in a very bad way, and now we lost Keon who was probably a really good competitor." Hilo smacked his hands down on his knees in frustration. "I don't like feeling this way!"

"Like what?"

"I feel helpless..." He put his head down for a moment, "and I don't ever want to feel helpless again." Hilo said. "We need to keep our eyes and ears open, cause we need to make a plan to see what we can do. Or I am worried that the next time we see Keon is gonna be much sooner than later."

"And what can we do?" Giana asked.

"We need to find one of those immunity or advantage passes that Mrs. Scarlett told us about when we first came here. Because that is the protection we need right now." Giana nodded her head as she stared out at the moon with the boy.

"Where do we even start?" Giana asked.

"Right now we really need to win one of the reward challenges, cause I feel like that is where we will at least get a hint." Hilo explained. "That or we need to look for things that could hide something in plain sight. This is a beautiful place, and I am sure our host probably hides things in places she finds either very nice looking, or so far in plain sight there is no way we miss them. We are kids after all, no need to make it harder like the adults have it on survivor."

"Fair enough," Giana went quiet for a moment. "What if there is a way to maybe keep us in the game for at least one more vote?"

"What are you getting at?"

Giana smiled for a moment. "We turn what Franklin did against him... cause if he is willing to flip so easily, can he really be trusted by anyone?"

Back at The Oak Brush camp. The sun came up on another beautiful day in this part of hawaii. However, as early as this day two boys were already up, and walking down the long beach staring at the bright blue water. Damian and Brandon had both woken up early and shared one look before making their way outside. Both clad in pajama shirts and shorts, Damian broke their silence. "So what is going through your mind so far?"

"I hate the spanking parts of this game," Brandon replied, reaching back and rubbing his backside on instinct.

"I am sure we all do, but oddly it makes people try a bit harder, knowing that if we lose it's not just a reward on the line. I mean, what do you think of our team?"

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