Episode 4-B: Finding Immunity: The 3rd Elimination Challenge. (Image Piper)

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As soon as Damian got back to camp he held his finger up to Gabriel and Brandon in secret before going into the house where most of his teammates seemed to be waiting for him. "Whaddya get!" Marcie asked as she was practically bouncing up and down on her toes. As she stood before the persian boy.

Damian laid down on her stomach on the couch before taking out the clue that he had found when they got their television and movies. A few of his teammates crowded around as he started to read off the clue. "So that is it," he said before tossing the clue down on the table. "I am not sure where it is or what that meant."

"There is that odd outcropping of rocks near the beach." Shaquira pointed out once she had finished looking over the third row of movies. "We can start looking there, or try avatar and maybe that big tree has one?"

"What do we do when we find it?" Logan asked.

"We can use it as a team," Marcie pointed out in excitement. "That way if we are in trouble when all get to play together as one big team, then we can maybe get out one of them in secret."

"Good idea, Marcie." Gabriel answered. "Anyone want to go on this search for this idol or do some want to stay here?"

"I will stay," said Brandon.

"Same," Damian replied as he set his hands down on his still slightly sore rump. "Would rather not do any moving until tomorrow, and I am sorry that I couldn't tough it out longer."

"It's fine," said Shaquira. "You lasted longer than all of us and are willing to share your clue with everyone."

As most of his team went out to go on this search to find a pass that he had already found a few days ago. Damian tossed over the clue that he had been given by Summer over to Brandon. "So what is the plan?" Brandon asked as he unrolled it to take a look at the clue.

"The plan is we have one of two choices, either we can go together with Gabriel at some point tonight, or I can go alone and get it, cause there is one thing about this advantage that Summer told me and Rebecca after the fact. If we go with someone else to get it then it does something different, I am gonna guess it loses a lot of power or something. So it might be smart for me to just go and get it and then tell you both later when we need it."

"Do what you want, but are you sure it was smart to send Gabriel on that wild goose chase for something you already had?" Brandon whispered softly.

"I told you already, I trust you more than I trust Gabriel. Regardless of what happens he is always gonna be around, he is strong and popular. However, the two of us I am worried of what might happen if everyone decides that the two quiet boys need to go first."

"Well let's hope that we can win the challenge tomorrow and we won't have to worry about any of that." Brandon replied, as he tossed the clue back to Damian who rolled it up and stuck it into his shoe. "Do you want me to go and rub something on your butt, I think that helps."

"I am fine," Damian replied with a roll of his eyes. "I am not gonna let another boy do that to me."

"Fair enough."

Meanwhile across the island instead of going with the rest of his team to go and find this pass or whatever, Damian had given them. Logan took his guitar and was starting to strum a tone into the warm summer breeze, when someone called out to him. "Aren't you gonna come with?" The boy looked up to see the Hawaiian native Kala standing in front of him. Her hands behind her back as she leaned forward.

The boy shook his head. "I don't really care if everyone is gonna go find it there is no reason to even go and try to do it. Kinda ruins the surprise and fun of finding an idol right." Logan went back to tuning his guitar. "Besides I honestly doubt that Damian even gave us the right thing in the first place."

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