Episode 3-A: Sour Sweet Or Spanked. (Image Amari)

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The walk back to the Oak Brushes camp was one of silence as everyone seemed to be deep in thought at the first elimination. A silence that was not broken until they had gone into their cabin that felt a bit quieter now that Henry was gone. "So can we talk about the slight elephant in the room?" Shaquira said softly.

"And what would that be?" Damian asked as he flopped down on the floor beside Brandon. "Cause pretty sure after that long walk some of us are hungry and thirsty."

"And sleepy," Marcie replied as she held her hand up with a small yawn.

"And I supposed sleepy as well." Damian added.

"Two of you voted against Piper tonight." Shaquira added.

"We do not know for fact," Gabriel replied. "The vote was 6 in total for Henry with one more left, so for all we know that last vote could have been 6 for Henry and four for Piper."

Shaquira looked at the tallest of their group. "I am just saying that I kinda want to know who voted for Piper?"

"I did," Damian answered. "I just voted for the two that kind of lost us the challenge, I didn't base my vote off anything else."

"I also voted for Piper," Gabriel answered. "Based on the same thing as Damian, quite frankly it was kind of a coin toss, I didn't mean any harm." Gabriel looked over at Piper who looked a bit disheartened. "I still think we made the right choice and you are still my friend, I like hearing you laugh and giggle, and you are really nice. I hope you don't dislike me for my vote."

"It's okay," Piper answered with a small smile. "I just hope we don't have to go back anytime soon."

"Tell you what," Gabriel stood up to his feet. "What is your favorite meal? Because I know a bit about cooking, I was almost on Master Chef junior."

"I really like spaghetti and meatballs." Piper answered with her smile growing a bit bigger.

"Anyone else up for dinner, and then a movie?" There was a small bit of chatter at that before the group started to head to the kitchen to help make a meal. Meanwhile Marcie toddled her way upstairs to take a shower, maybe make a small mess to keep her act alive and well. And as she was getting her clothes together she looked at one of the cameramen. "I kinda wish that they would have read the last vote, it would have been interesting to have a certain group try and guess who was the fourth vote for Piper, and I doubt anyone would have guessed cute little old me."

Later that night after dinner and while Shaquira was carrying Marcie upstairs to get her tucked into bed. Marcie in a cute tired little vote said. "Now there are more girls than boys in the cabin."

"Yes there are," Shaquira replied with a tiny smile.

"Who do you think voted for big sister Piper, cause I didn't want her to go." Marcie gripped her "favorite" stuffed snow leopard close to her chest as she let Shaquira tuck her into her bed.

"I don't know but I am sure that it doesn't really matter, cause Piper is still here and we are gonna make sure no one else goes home." Marcie nodded her head for a moment.

"But wouldn't it be much more fun if all the girls of the team made it to the big murge and maybe even to the final five? After all we are much cleaner than the big brothers, and they are all gonna stay together probably." Marcie hid a smirk behind a loud yawn as she knew that she was starting to plant small seeds of doubt into Shaquira's mind. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure." Shaquira answered.

"I saw Brandon talking with Damian and Henry before the vote, so maybe they were thinking of getting rid of Piper."

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