Episode 3-B: Elimination challenge: Tribal Council. (Image Arkell)

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A/N: I am so sorry for the major confusuion to those that have read the last chapter, I never noticed I double posted the same chapter until right now. Sorry again

Two days later the camera shifted as both teams were seen walking down a pathway. The Oak Brushes mostly chatting about their amazing one day vacation from the island, the incredible sight of nearly 40 dollars making their way to these waters to begin the process of making more dolphins. As well as the amount of fun they had on what turned out to be a large yacht. As they arrived at a different part of the sandy beach where two canoes were waiting for them, on the sand of the beach were two large square shaped fences. Their host Summer Scarlett waited for them standing on a platform out in the water. She was wearing a cute looking white swimsuit, and her voice was being projected by a large megaphone. "Come on over guys!" She said with a smile on her face. Once the two groups were standing out near the water , the blue waves splashing up on their feet. It suddenly became obvious why the letter they had gotten from the girl suggested that they bring swimsuits. "Are you all ready for your second elimination challenge?"

Dolonda cupped her hands over her mouth before saying. "If we say no can we go home and just leave you out on that platform!"

Summer rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "You know Dolonda you are really ruining the chances that I ever invite you back on a later season." Summer then began to explain what the nature of this challenge was going to be. "All this challenge is gonna test not only your brains but also your ability to work together as a team. On my mark both teams are gonna climb into those canoes and paddle them out into the water. The first team to get to this platform is gonna get a major advantage in the form of these goggles. Once you get to this point, one member of your team is gonna dive into the water and swim down to collect five bags of puzzle pieces, you can only get one bag at a time. Once you have all five bags, you are gonna paddle back to the shore, and carry your canoe up to the box behind you. On the bottom of the canoe is gonna be a clue to what your puzzle is. The first team to complete the puzzle and read the name that is also gonna be on the puzzle, wins the challenge and will not have to go to tribal tonight. Losers will have to say goodbye to one member of their team. This is a team challenge so all members will be competing so Willow Switches you have at least a slight advantage. If we all understand let's get you all fitted for life jackets and then we begin."

After a few minutes of getting ready and on Summer call of go. The two teams quickly pushed their canoes into the water before starting to pile in trying. A few members of both teams slipping and tumbled back into the water with The Willow Switches getting an early lead as they started to paddle out into the water. However, there was a small problem as going forward was a bit harder. However, with the quick instructions of Giana, the group was slowly but surely making up ground towards the platform. On the other side of things thanks to the instructions of the Hawaiian natives, Amari and Kala. The Oak Brushes were keeping up a good pace, finding a good job for Piper as her loud voice acted like the beat of drum for their team to keep paddling in rhythm. However with the help of Arkell and Keon who were the two strongest, they were making up for their lack of team work with pure strength sending them along at a slightly faster rate. The Willow Switches arrived to the platform first where their best swimmer in Hilo hopped up onto the platform and took the goggles from Summer Scarlett. He quickly took off his life jacket before diving into the water, finding that there were ten ropes connected to the bottom of this platform. All ranging from different lengths that connected to the bag of puzzle pieces and they used to pull themselves back to the surface if needed.

As Hilo was making his way down into the water choosing to get the bag on the longest rope. He felt the water above him shatter as someone else dived inside. He looked briefly and just as he thought, Amari was gonna be the one diving for this team. That girl moving the grace of a mermaid and the speed of a shark. Hilo took his mother's advance and went at the pace he needed to as he knew that right now stamina was gonna be the best thing to use.

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