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"You know these witches, Loki?" Thor asked as he and the dark-haired prince crouched just outside of their home, peering through the windows. Thor would have simply charged in to engage the women in battle, but there must've been something he sensed in Loki's hissed warning that made him pause.

The Trickster scoffed. "Just because I know magic doesn't mean I know every witch, brother. But, as it happens, I do unfortunately know these three. Very nasty, the lot of them."

"I'm surprised father has allowed them to live in Asgard," the blond mused, once more toying with the strap of his hammer.

"Father doesn't know they're in Asgard," Loki corrected him. "They have powerful cloaking spells that can hide them from Heimdall's Sight."

This earned him a suspicious side-eye from the man next to him. "And how do you know that, brother?"

"Never you mind," he answered breezily, fixing his gaze on the balcony, which they could just see the edge of from their position. "I sensed potent spell work from that second floor. I believe that is where they plan to sacrifice. . ." he trailed off, swallowing the sourness in his mouth at the thought of Eleanora's demise. ". . .the Star. We must target that immediately. But be warned, brother— they know magic well, and I will not be able to defend us with my seiðr."

Since Thor did not care for the inner workings of magic, Loki did not provide him a detailed explanation for why this was so; he merely stated the facts to reach their end goal faster. He hoped they weren't too late. Oh, gods, if they were. . . he pushed the thought aside; he wouldn't have to go down that path. "Very well. Let's go, then."

As there was no more to discuss, Loki allowed his brother to charge through the doors as he followed in pursuit. He could immediately feel the clamp around the source of his power as the witch's runes snuffed out his abilities. Thor burst forward with a yell, swinging Mjolnir ferociously. He grabbed the nearest person, a young, dark-haired woman shrieked in fright.


All of the witches he'd met previously had been old. He was almost certain that there were three of them, no more. The fear in the women's eyes was that of a hunted animal, not a formidable predator. He flung out a hand to keep his brother from hurting her. "Stop! She is not one of them!"

Thankfully, Thor trusted his call and released the brunette, his expression loosing its fierceness as he asked, "are you alright?"

She nodded, mustering enough courage to point towards the balcony. "The Star. Hurry!"

The distraction cost him. One of the witches— the taller of them— summoned a gust of flames that shot directly towards the prince. In retaliation, the skies above them grew dark as storm clouds rolled in. Just as the heat began to lick at Thor's skin, he summoned a bolt of lightning that cracked through the roof so that its forked tongue could alight on the witch. Her flames vanished before they even touched him. A pile of ash was left in the place where the witch had stood.

Rather than focus on his brother's fight, Loki's gaze scanned the area for possible assets that he could use. He noticed the dozens of chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, each with thousands of glass crystals. That could work. If only. . . he followed the ropes to where they were tied around anchors against the wall. He would only have to lure the witches under them before he could send the weight of the light fixture crashing down.

𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐋𝐄 ━ loki laufeyson¹·¹Where stories live. Discover now