MDC revealed

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Lila Salt, Class Salt, Chloe Sugar

Marinette's P.O.V

Ever since that liar came here life's been hell and I've realized some very important things.

1. My class is made up of annoying sheep

2. Kissing girls, specifically Chloe, is amazing

3. I have serious self control as I haven't punched a single person yet

"Marinette, what the hell are you doing still in bed" my lovely kwami, Tikki exclaimed, feeling utterly exasperated. "Shit" I exclaimed.

I rushed through my morning routine and threw on some of my designs I've been working on. Then I ran through the door after grabbing a pastry and a macaroon, quickly pecking my mother on her cheek. She rolled her eyes fondly and waved me out.

I dropped the strawberry treat to Tikki who was now munching happily then popped in my headphones and took a breath of relief as I realized it wasn't that late. I hummed to my favourite songs and mentally prepared myself for the torture to come.

I took out my headphones as I reached Dupont and saw my beautiful girlfriend. She looked fine as hell, I thought with a grin. She was dressed in tight jeans that hugged her thighs perfectly and a yellow jacket with a sunflower pinned on it. I could see the faint black lace of her bra from where the jacket was unbuttoned.

Was it wrong of me to wish I could unbutton it fully right there? Probably. 

"Chloe" I called, happily. She looked up with a soft smile reserved for a select few. "Hey Mari, you look great" She marveled.  

Today I was wearing a red off-the-shoulder sweater and a black skirt with cute little buttons. I let my hair down and wore a gold necklace.

"Thanks, whats got you so happy on a school day?" I questioned, feeling a tad curious. Chloe suddenly smirked and gave me an evil wink. "I have a surprise concerning our little liar. You'll like it very much, mon cheri" Chloe murmured.

"And I suppose there's no way of getting anymore info about this, is there" I playfully teased and Chloe laughed with a murderous glint in her eye. "Let's just get to class before the sheep corner us again" She replied, grabbing my hand and planting a chaste kiss on my lips. I nodded and let her lead me there. 

Thankfully our stupid ass class arrived a bit later than us and were in a less argumentative mood than usual. Of course there were a few sheep shooting us dirty looks but like the queens we were , we ignored them.

As I was attempting to pry more information from Chloe about her surprise, Mme. Bustier unfortunately came in with a cheerful smile.

 I absolutely hated that naive witch. Even before Lila Rossi appeared she always pushed her work on to me and always ignored the victims while praising the bullies.  

Chloe grasped my hand and gave me a reassuring look, knowing I would be seething on the inside. I also got the feeling that this may not be so bad judging by Chloe's amused expression. I took a breath and untensed my shoulders.

"Bonjour, my students! I have magnificent news for us. Our class has been honoured with the opportunity to go to Paris's Annual Fashion Show where the rumoured MDC will be revealed" Bustier practically shouted, grinning ear to ear.

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