Pt. 3-Success and Betrayals

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So this is part 3 of a request I recently got and I would suggest that y'all read the previous chapters to understand this. Enjoy! :)   P.S. Please excuse my shitty fight scenes.

Marinette's P.O.V

"Batman has decided that I am to stay here and assist with your problem. Do not underestimate me, I am one of the best people Gotham and the world has ever seen. It'll be a pleasure working with you, Miraculous," a voice said softly. I started at his green eyes and noticed they were dark with promise.

That was 3 nights ago. And fuck, that was the greatest idea we ever had. 

Robin fits in pretty well with us and he's always down for drinks and pastries during our meetings. I was honestly afraid that he would see us as immature or unprofessional but he's usually calm.

I find myself more at ease as well. Robin was definitely used to taking charge and so he ensured that everything was taken care of.

He also noticed how stressed I was and made sure I wasn't overworking myself. It made me happy when I realized that he noticed how I loved macarons and sweet caffeinated drinks. 

"Are you alright, Ladybug?" Robin asked patiently looking at me.

I flushed and turned my head. "Sorry, I guess I was kinda caught up in my head," I said, looking apologetically. "That's fine, is today not a good day for this?" he hesitated, tilting his head. I could hear Chloe snickering lightly and I shook my head. 

"I was just distracted, I guess," I admitted, "Please, go on." Robin still looked a bit hesitant but continued on after nudging my drink closer. I leaned forward and was actually pretty interested.

"I can't believe we never thought of this before!" Zoé exclaimed while the others voiced their agreement. Robin blushed under the attention. "Well, I guess, that's just kinda how I was raised. To think outside the box. It was kinda vital if I wanted to live," he muttered.

Marc gently pulled him into a quick side hug and Robin tensed up for a millisecond. I gave him a questioning look and he nodded before turning away.

"So I guess we should call it a night, yeah?" Luka suggested and I noticed that it was getting late. Marc and Nathaniel were huddled into Robin's sides while Juleka and Chloe were by Luka. "Yeah," Robin agreed and I stood up, nudging the boys who separated instantly.

"Bye, darlings," Chloe mumbled, getting up with Luka. The others waved bye until it just Robin and I. I stared awkwardly and quickly hugged him. He lingered there for a while until I cleared my throat. 

"Sorry, see ya Ladybug," he quickly said, picking up his empty can of soda. I think that his ears went a bit red but I wasn't sure. "Bye Robin," I mumbled.

"Yo team!" Zoé exclaimed, blocking a kick from their latest akuma. Plant related, I thought grimly, ducking to avoid a flying flower pot. "What's up!" Juleka screamed back, slicing a thorny vine with her knives.

"I think we know what Hawkmoth's latest plan is now!" Nathaniel elaborated. "Excuse me!" I said loudly, delivering a fury of blows that Robin taught me. "Yeah, I bet he's gonna attack at night from now on so we'll screw up in the morning!" Marc burst out, giggling.

"Angel," Robin muttered as he pushed him aside. 

Robin then quickly punched them and the akuma turned all his attention to him. He grunted in pain when they landed a sold hit but he gave the rest of us a look.

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