Pt. 2- Heroes and Schemes

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So this is part 2 of a request I recently got. To understand this I would seriously consider reading the previous chapter. Enjoy!

Damien's P.O.V

Today was just like any other,  I suppose.

I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair listening to annoying people talk. Honestly, I was getting very tired of hearing my father speak about how wrong murder was and how everyone deserves another chance and hell, I need a distraction.

I focused my attention to the people in front of me, Drake and Todd. Their antics were usually entertaining as long as they didn't involve me. Unfortunately, they seemed quite fond of that.

"Fuck you, replacement! The demon has a way higher kill count than me anyways," Todd growled out seeming offended. I mentally screamed and forced myself to maintain a blank look. I raised a singular eyebrow and narrowed my eyes. 

I wouldn't say it was particularly menacing, it was more like... I was offering a challenge. I could see Bruce going to shut it down. Like there was even anything to shut down. I rolled my eyes discreetly in advance. His mouth opened but soon the room was covered in a myriad of lights. 

Although I could see several people pulling out knives and guns, I was captivated.

Once the lights died down and I could see clearly, I saw seven newcomers clad in suits that were all too familiar. They looked like they'd fit right in with the vigilante crew but there was also something else about them. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Who the hell are y'all?" Grayson demanded quickly, putting himself in front of us in an attempt to shield us. It was quite annoying in a way. The rest of the bats were rigid and threatening but I couldn't be bothered, taking a casual stance instead.

Well as casual a person could be while holding a sword.

"We're Miraculous, a superhero team from Paris, I'm Ladybug," a petite bluenette stated calmly and I admired her nerve if I was being honest. She was clad in black with a spotted pair of boots, a jacket, and a mask. She was most likely their leader.

"I'm Queen Bee," a blonde woman said casually although she was glancing around with tensed shoulders. She had a black and yellow skirt on and I was intrigued by her golden wings. "Viperion," a man with turquoise streaks in his hair offered coolly, glaring openly. 

A younger girl rolled her eyes at him and looked around as well. "What's up, I'm Tigress." She was twirling an amethyst dagger between her fingers almost automatically. I could tell by how she barely looked at it.

"Cherry Kitten, at your service!" another female with a pink streak in her hair said quickly with a mock bow. "Firefox," a redhead grunted out evenly, leaning against the wall. 

"I'm Angel," a short boy murmured softly, I could tell that he would probably live up to his name. He was fiddling nervously and I took a second to go over all of them again. 

Ladybug. Queen Bee. Viperion. Tigress. Cherry Kitten. Firefox. Angel.

I smirked subtly. I could tell things were about to get interesting and I hoped that the others didn't ruin this. 

"Well I am-" Bruce started gruffly but Ladybug interrupted which I enjoyed. Immensely. "Batman. Nightwing. Red Hood. Red Robin. Batgirl. Black Bat. Oracle. Robin," she listed, taking a second to observe us each nonchalantly when she said our names. 

"So? What the hell do you want?" Brown spat out, still suspicious, arms crossed. "More importantly, how'd you bypass my security" Gordon interjected, tapping her fingers impatiently. That earned her a few incredulous looks but she waved them off.

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