Pt. 1-Coffee and Help

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My first request, y'all, here's to a fuck load more! :)

Marinette's P.O.V

I was tired.

The akumas have only gotten worse and as much as I hated to admit it, we can't just deal with it anymore. I can't just deal with it anymore. Especially after he betrayed us. 

I shook my head blankly, my nails digging painfully into my palm. "Ladybug," I heard someone say quietly. I was too lost in my thoughts to realize who was even speaking. "Ladybug," someone said louder, it was probably the same person shaking my shoulders.

I opened my eyes -I hadn't realized I even closed them- and to my surprise I saw blonde curls and blue eyes. I snapped back into my usual self, forcing a smile. "Queen Bee, I thought you left already," I admitted. I had a slightly more genuine smile now.

"Oh, Mari," Chloe scolded gently, concern washing over her face. She led me to a bench and had me sit. "What's up, Chloe?" I asked, leaning forward. She rolled her eyes, applying another layer of lip gloss.

 "Please don't, you know what I want to talk about," Chloe pleaded. 

"Actually I don't, oh wait! Did you want to borrow my notes for science?" I teased, enjoying how her hands were suddenly balled into fists. "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous," she muttered under her breath. 

"I'm sorry," I apologized suddenly and she glared suspiciously at me. "What's that for?" she drawled quite elegantly. "I'm sorry for acting so careless or whatever. But this is hard, Chlo, for me too. We're doing all we can but we need to do more. We need to do better." I answered honestly.

"I know," she agreed softly, standing up.

 "We have to be better as well. People are getting hurt and we're getting hurt. Hell, you're getting hurt but the damn thing is, we have no idea how to start. We can say all this but at the end of the day, we are no closer to unmasking Hawkmoth," Chloe stated.

"Holy Kwami, was any of that supposed to be helpful or comforting?" I sputtered incredulously, starting to chuckle. "Sort of," she answered while I was clutching my stomach. Still grinning, I motioned her to go on. 

"How many times has this happened? How many times have you felt so freaking defeated and useless and confused?" Chloe questioned.

"A lot, not even counting the times at school" I told her honestly although she gave me a disapproving look. "Good enough," she murmured. "So, tell me more," I prompted, raising an eyebrow.

"You're here, Marinette. In one piece, which is honestly kind of surprising. Despite everyone and everything trying to push you down and screw you over, you made it through. And we will get through this. Together. We will help you because we're a team," Chloe said. 

"Sometimes I think you forget that," she added.

I stood too and hugged her. She melted into it almost immediately. I buried my face in her neck and started to whisper gently. "Thank you, Chloe and I am sorry. We are a team," I reassured. As we parted I noticed Chloe looked a bit less stressed now. 

"Let's meet up tomorrow, I feel like we have a hell lot to talk about. Can you tell the others?" I trailed off, looking at her. "Of course, darling," she said as she kissed my cheeks. "It's late and I want you to sleep," Chloe ordered. I laughed. 

"Bye then," I replied easily, giving her forehead a light peck with my lips. As she turned I let out a sigh of relief. Becoming friends with Chloe was actually so much better than I thought it would be. At first, I felt unsure when I gave her the bee miraculous but I know I made the right choice. 

I had a little grin as I walked home for once.

The next day, I was jogging to the cafe we chose to meet at. I smoothed out my leather skirt and sat down, pleased to know I was only three minutes late. "Late again, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" Luka teased, twirling a strand of cyan hair. Juleka whacked the side of his head. "Shut up babe," Chloe mumbled as I laughed.

Marc pushed a chocolate croissant and strawberry iced tea toward me. "We ordered for you," Nathaniel offered, sipping a large coffee. "Anyways, C filled us in so if you wanna settle in for a second..." Zoé hesitated. I nodded gratefully and took a large gulp of my drink. 

"So I guess we should actually talk about business, huh?" I announced.

"It's a nice day, Mari. Maybe we should enjoy it," Luka debated. "No, this is important," Nathaniel reprimanded. "Unfortunately," Zoé groaned out. "When this is over let's do this again," Juleka commented softly. 

I tried to remain hopeful. "Now that's a plan," I said lightly. "I-" Marc started to say before his voice cracked. "What's up, love?" Nathaniel said soothingly. Sometimes I envied his ability to calm people down so well.

"It's just that..." Marc tried again nervously. "What's on your mind?" Chloe questioned curiously. "I just think I may have a solution to this problem," Marc stammered out quickly.

"That's awesome," I said, pumping a fist in the air. "Mind telling us," Zoé sassed back with no real bite, fairly occupied with her muffin. Juleka wiped a red velvety crumb off her cheek, slightly pink. Luka cooed at them and she quickly glared at him.

"Lu, pay attention," Chloe demanded softly and he complied easily, ignoring his sister's sly look. "What's your idea, Marc?" Nathaniel said encouraging. 

"Are y'all familiar with the Justice League in Gotham?" Marc asked instead, rubbing his arms.

 "Aren't they Gotham's heroes?" Juleka reminded them quickly. "I heard that they have a lot of connections..." Zoé said, eyes widening in realization. "And I heard that they often help around in other parts of the world," I added. 

"That is a great idea!" Chloe exclaimed grabbing Marc's hands and kissing his cheeks. He scratched his neck and smiled. "Hate to be that guy but how exactly are we going to get the Justice League's help?" Luka frowned. "Oh fucking hell," I swore and Zoé shot me a look.

"Not while there are babies around," she warned glancing at Marc who fondly punched her arm. "How about we just go there?" Chloe suggested, licking lemon icing from her finger.

"What!" her boyfriend exclaimed. Juleka suddenly smiled. "Shut up, Luka! Chloe has a point. We can literally teleport there and then they'll have to listen to us!" she said, practically beaming from her seat. 

"What do you think, Ladybug?" Nathaniel murmured, eyes gleaming with mischief and hope. I know they were mirroring my own.

"Oh fuck yes!" 

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