Damian Wayne?!?

139 3 0

Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Adrien Sugar

Marinette P.O.V

Under regular circumstances this would be amazing. Unfortunately this was so not regular circumstances. "Oh fuck this" Adrien groaned, flopping onto her bed.

"Is the cinnamon roll swearing? I should have a talk with Damian later, he's such an awful influence on you" I teased in a scandalous tone. 

"Please Mari, for the love of god. All I want to do right now is see him but we're with this damned class" Adrien complained, balling up his fists.

"I'm actually lowkey annoyed that Rossi took credit for this trip. I mean obviously I expected it but I'm still hella pissed" I admitted. Suddenly Adrien shot up from the bed with an evil grin. He gave me a pleading look.

"Can we expose them during the trip" he asked so hopefully. I thought about it for a bit. I realized that this was the best opportunity that we were ever going to get. "Gods, chat! You are a fucking genius" I excitedly said.

"We should probably text Dami" Adrien suggested already grabbing his phone. I nodded, feeling slightly bad that the two weren't able to see each other right now. Glad I don't have that problem.

Queer Queens

AsexualBlueberry: What up, fuckers

Bi-Little-Kitten: Dami, you need to help us with smth

From the League of Gay: Wtf guys, plz tell me you didn't kill anyone

AsexualBlueberry: C'mon, you gotta have more faith in us

Bi-Little-Kitten: Yeah, we would so get away with that

From the League of Gay: Keep telling yourself that love, anyways what did y'all have in mind

Bi-Little-Kitten: Well we thought abt it and exposing the sheep during the trip would be purrfect

AsexualBlueberry: Y'know your puns kill me, right? Anyways Adri's right for once

Bi-Little-Kitten: Hey :(

From the League of Gay: Sry but you know she's right, kitty. Anyways that could definitely work so let me guess. Y'all need help with the details?

AsexualBlueberry: Yeah I mean we have the general idea but... well you're better with this stuff

From the League of Gay: Yeah got it, should we meet up or smth?

Bi-Little-Kitten: Fuck yes, plz! I am so down, Mari?

AsexualBlueberry: I don't see any problem but y'all better not make out in front of me

From the League of Gay: We'll try, pixie but I'd just like to say that last time was Adrien's fault

Bi-Little-Kitten: Wow, I see how it is. It's not my fault that your sexy clothes made you look more delectable than usual

I laughed quietly, happy to be surrounded by people I can actually love. Then I groaned quietly. I don't think I would ever hear the end of that if Adri or Dami knew about this. Thank the gods that despite how attuned they are to emotions, they can't read minds. 

A few hours later I crawled into my bed alone and put in my headphones. After discussing their plans over cake I had to leave them so they could make out in peace. It's lowkey funny how often those two were at it. "Mmmh, the Waynes are quite unpredictable" I murmured quietly.

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