Pt. 4-Tears and Chocolate

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This is part 4 of a request I recently got so I would suggest reading the previous chapters for context. This is also going to be the last chapter for this request so thanks for sticking around to read. And for the person who requested this, I hope you enjoyed it. 

Damian's P.O.V

I stood there, still as a statue watching Ladybug leave. The memory of her crying would not leave my mind. Fucking gods.

This was not how things were supposed to go. She must fucking hate me now. I have to explain, I have to do something, I have to fucking breathe! I punched the wall angrily.

I leaned my forehead against it for a second and jumped when I heard someone cough. I turned quickly, hoping it was Ladybug but to my disappointment it was Viperion. "I- sorry, I'll be up in a second," I stammered, apologetically.

He rolled his eyes and stepped closer and I thought he was going to punch me.

He leaned down a bit and wrapped his arms around me. He was hugging me. I didn't know why. It felt really good though, I thought as I leaned into his touch. Before I knew it, I was sobbing silently.

The back of my throat hurt and my cheeks were wet. Viperion rubbed soothing circles into my back and I could only sob more deeply. Why was he doing this? Why didn't he hate me?

Viperion gently pushed me off and wiped away my tears, that was no help as they were falling faster and harder. "Ladybug postponed the meeting in favour of more sleep then left in a hurry. I got everyone to go home for now and I wanted to check on you," he murmured.

"Gods, this is all my fault," I choked out, putting my arm over my eyes. Viperion grabbed my wrists and looked at me intently. 

"Listen Robin, I'm not going to ask what happened because I know that this is something between you and Ladybug. I have very good judgement of people because I can hear every person's individual heart song, as you know so I trust you. Okay? Whatever happened was a misunderstanding so please don't give up," Viperion softly said, finally letting go of me.

I choked again, wiping my eyes, relieved to find that I've stopped crying. "Thank you, V, I should probably go," I started hesitantly. He quickly hugged me and like before I tensed up then melted into it. 

"Bye bro, get home safe," he said, "Call me Luka." I grinned brightly. I felt a lot better here than I ever did at Gotham. "It's Damian," I whispered before leaving, knowing he heard me.

I ran quickly on the roof tops of various buildings, enjoying how the wind flew through my curls. I tore off my mask and slipped into a cafe casually. 

I walked out holding a box of strawberry macarons and a chocolate milkshake. I was munching on a caramel bar as I walked to Ladybug's flat. Despite knowing where she lived, I refused to look her up. I wanted her to tell me her name herself.

I froze in front of her door. I felt a bit stupid. I was already here and I know that if I don't talk to her, she'll make her own assumptions which is the last thing I want. But... what if she doesn't want to see me. 

It's not as if she has any reason to assume anything better of me.

What if she already decided to hate me? What if she slams the door in my face? Oh gods, what if she doesn't even like me? I mean people screw around with people just to get off all the time. Ladybug doesn't really seem like that kind of person but it's not like I actually know her.

I pressed my fist to the door and knocked hesitantly.

To my surprise, Ladybug answered almost immediately. She was back in her pjs and her mask was off. I could see her blue eyes clearer.

"May I come in?" I asked cautiously. Ladybug seemed surprised and a little more distant. "Robin?" she muttered in confusion. I nodded, unsure of what she was asking.

She thankfully opened the door wider and let me in. I mumbled my thanks and stood awkwardly. She waved me over to a couch to sit when she realized that I wasn't following. I sat down and motioned to the box and drink.

"You can open it," I added. She slowly opened it with suspicion but quickly brightened up when she saw the contents. "Thank you," she murmured back to her apathy.

"I wanted to talk to you, to apologize," I started when the silence became so uncomfortable. "Oh, no, please Robin. I'm fine," she quickly interrupted. "No you're not and that's not all I wanted to say. Please. Just let me say this first before you interrupt," I pleaded.

She nodded and took a macaron while dipping it in her milkshake. I chuckled at her antics. 

"I'm so sorry about this morning but it was a misunderstanding," I started, putting up a finger to Ladybug's lips. "Batman and the others were incredibly suspicious and they did send me to get closer and investigate y'all but I reassured them that you weren't lying," I admitted.

"Honestly, remember that butterfly you captured? I had to send Red Robin a sample but we've never gotten along so we ended up arguing. I don't even know why I had to send it to him cause he doesn't know shit about this. I was going to finish up my own experiment today, by the way," I said. 

"And I did try to get closer to you but then I realized I didn't have to try hard. You and the rest of Miraculous made me feel at home for the first time in forever. And you are amazing Ladybug, you're kind and pretty and funny and fuck. When I kissed you, the only thing I could think of was you," I rambled.

Ladybug stopped munching on her macarons and she put down her drink entirely. I must have looked like a mess. I was about to go on another soft rant but Ladybug, sensing this pulled me closer.

I opened my mouth but she kissed me instead. It felt great to say at least. I knew I was blushing when we parted and I looked down.

"Can we hang out, Robin?" Ladybug asked hesitantly and I raised my eyebrow. "I mean we can watch a movie or something. You did bring a fuck ton of macarons too," she exclaimed quickly. I agreed and hugged her.

She hummed a song as she put something on her tv. I helped myself to a macaron.

"So does this mean my apology is accepted, Ladybug?" I asked with a wink. She muttered something quietly with a blush. "Hmm?" I asked curiously.

"Marinette. Call me Marinette," she said louder. I chuckled at her flustered voice while blushing as well. I leaned into her side as the movie started. "You can call me Damian, Marinette," I murmured, trying out her name.

"Damian, I like it," Marinette complimented. I smiled, content and hopeful. 

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