To Protect a Cat

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A/N: Heyyyy, I know I barely have any actual readers on this but I'm still gonna apologize for the lack of updates. My mental health is shit then I got sick but whatever.

Marinette Salt, Chloe Sugar, Nino Sugar

"Nino, may I talk to you?" Chloe asked out of the blue, looking stressed. 

Nino was immediately on his guard. "What could you possibly want to talk about?" He asked cautiously. "It's about Adrien" Chloe murmured with a strange glint in her eyes. He couldn't exactly place it but he nodded hesitantly.

Nino gestured to her to speak, curiously. "Okay, what's up?" He said nonchalantly. His eyes betrayed his distrust. "I believe that his privacy might be being violated by a close friend of his" She rushed out, waiting to see how Nino would react.

"What!" Nino said quickly, looking down, eyes darting. Chloe narrowed her eyes wondering if he knew more than he was letting on. "Listen, I may not be able to talk to Adrien anymore but you can bet your ass, I still care about him. Hell if I'm letting a deluded stalker near him" Chloe stated, turning her back. 

"Wait! Sorry but can we just sit down and talk" Nino suggested calmly, still gripping her wrist. Chloe paused then smirked. "Let me go first then we can talk" She offered. They walked silently to a bench not far from their school and sat down. 

Nino glanced at Chloe nervously as she twirled a strand of hair. 

"So I assume that we both know that Marinette is being quite the little bitch?" Chloe started, generously. Nino let out a quick laugh. "You assume correct" he said simply, looking around, a loss for words. "So let's get to the point, yeah. How did you figure out all this and how much do you know exactly?" Chloe questioned, picking up on his cluelessness.

Honestly some men... 

"Well, you know, I'm close with Alya and Adrien's best friend so I was pretty involved with helping Marinette and the girls get Adrien. At first, I thought it was cute. They would've made a great couple and all that" he started gently, raising his hands to stop Chloe from another rant.

"But then they started going overboard. Fuck, did you know that Marinette memorized his schedule for the next five years! I swear that woman is crazy. She already thinks that she's gonna be Mrs. Adri Agreste one day and knows what their kids will look like. She's even making goddamn gifts for her grandkids!" Nino growled.

"From then I stopped being such an active member in Project Adrienette but I don't know what to do. I love Adrien too but I don't  want to hurt him by telling him the truth and I don't know how to confront my freaking girlfriend and one of my closest friends! Fuck this shit" Nino muttered.

"And that's alright because I have a plan. Thank you for your willingness to talk to me but I think I'd understand if you can't he-" she started slowly.

"No! I'm in, Chloe. There is no way in hell I'd choose them over Adrien, I'm just... worried" Nino interrupted quickly. Chloe grinned and faced Nino. "Thank you and for what it's worth I'm sorry. I don't have many close relationships but I don't think I could ever confront someone close" She admitted quietly.

"Thats alright, Chloe. Just I don't want to mess up with Adrien" Nino said, squeezing his eyes shut. "I think he'll be okay" She said sadly. "Y'know, I used to think Adrien had a crush on you. He was always defending you, bringing up his childhood memories, all that shit" He said, trying to comfort her.

"Thanks, man" she whispered softly, Nino almost thought he imagined it. He smiled softly. "Let's hear this plan, dudette!" He said excitedly. 

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