15: meeting eliza.

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everything was going just fine. we spent almost every day together, and i cherished every moment with him. he promised me that one stupid day; that he was going to improve his behavior.

but of course he lied.

day 224

gerard was getting ready to leave for a performance in some fancy place with another band. they were called "the used".

"pleaseeee, can i come with you?" i whined out, as he sighed in annoyance, smudging black eyeliner on his eyes.

"i told you, you can't" he said aggressively and i rolled my eyes.

"why not?" i questioned, as he turned around to face me.

"my friend's gonna be there, and she can't see you" he said very seriously, and then turned around to continue doing his makeup. i felt this stupid ache in my stomach as always. like if someone just put a knife in it.

"...why can't she see me?" i continued questioning him, and i could see that he was getting more and more annoyed.

"it's complicated, y/n" he mumbled out, as the pain in my belly grew bigger and bigger.

i remained silent. i didn't want to make a scene. everything was going fine, so i didn't want to fuck it all up just by saying too much.

"alright... i'm done. i'll text you later" he said, hugging me tight. i pulled away and stared at him for a while.

"okay, bye. have fun" i said, forcing a smile on my face. he smiled softly, and ruffled my hair. he kissed my forehead and then turned around to leave my house.

once he left the building i just remained on the couch, staring at the wall in front of me with no purpose.

i felt so empty inside.

my depression was getting worse, but i was too afraid to go and see a psychiatrist. i was even afraid to just talk about it with anyone. even gerard.

i sighed sadly, thinking of him. sometimes i just wondered, "maybe it's all because of him?". life was better without him. sure i had depression before, but ever since i was in this... stupid situationship with him; everything worsened.

time skip

i was sitting on my bed, watching youtube on my laptop when suddenly i got a text from gerard.


you done with the performance?

bert's band just finished playing and soon we're going on stage

good luck!

i was wondering if u maybe wanted to come see us?

what about ur friend lol

well she didn't come, so...

i'll be there soon

great!! <3

i smiled at his text and closed my phone, then i turned off my laptop and got up to get ready.

time skip

i stood in the crowd, staring at gee who was having so much fun on stage. after an hour the show was over, and i immediately went backstage.

"hey guys!" i greeted them happily, and they all smiled at the sight of me. except for gee.

"Y/N!! I MISSED U!!" frank yelled, hugging me tightly. i scrunched my face as the smell of his sweat hit me.

"awh come on dude, you saw me last week" i laughed out, as he pulled away and stared into my eyes with a dead serious look on his face.

"that's too long" he said, and i laughed yet again.

we spent some time together, when suddenly someone came inside.

i looked to the side to see who it was; and it was some girl i've never seen before.

she had short black hair with side swept bangs, big blue eyes with a black smokey eyeshadow, some thin lips and a very pale complexion. she actually kinda looked like gee.

"hey gee!" she greeted him, hugging him tight. she kissed his cheek, and i could feel my heart racing faster.

"hey eliza" he said, and i tried my best not to furrow my eyebrows.

is that the friend he was sometimes ditching me for?

"sorry i got here so late, but i was hanging around with jeff!" she apologized to him, and he smiled at her softly.

"it's alright" he said, and i turned my head to look back at the guys. i was too jealous to watch them.

all the boys had disgusted looks on their faces, and i found that funny.

"uh.. this is y/n" gerard said and it immediately made me turn my head right back towards him and eliza.

i stared at them with slightly raised eyebrows, as eliza furrowed hers at me.

"whatever" she rolled her eyes, and looked back at gee, chewing her gum aggressively.

"let's go to the hotel, hm?" she said quietly and attractively, carressing his arm slowly.

i stared at them with slightly furrowed eyebrows. suddenly my eyes met gerard's, and he smirked with his teeth.

"yeah, let's go" he agreed while still looking into my eyes. i felt this sharp pain in my chest again, as i watched the two of them leave together.

"god, finally she left" ray said, rolling his eyes sassily. i forced out a laugh, looking back at the 4 guys in front of me.

"yeah. i hate her so fucking much" bob said, chewing on his lip ring.

"why?" i questioned, looking into his blue eyes. he shrugged, scrunching his face a little.

"she's a bitch" he said and i chuckled in response.

"whatever! let's get wasted!" frank yelled, as he grabbed a vodka and lifted it up in the air.

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