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dakota's pov.
Winchester High School

I SNAP a picture of the empty hallway, thinking that the lighting makes it cool and it'd look good as a backdrop somewhere in the yearbook. I plan to go find small groups of friends at lunch in a second and take some pictures for the social lives page in our yearbook, but I decide I need one more picture of the hallway just to be safe.

I sigh as I hear my brother shout to me from behind.

"Hey, Kota!" Romeo shouts at me, and I raise an eyebrow.

I drop my camera, letting it fall to its resting position around my neck as I turn to look at my older brother, giving him a I was busy look that he either disregards or just doesn't notice.

"Yeah?" I ask, and he jogs over.

"Yearbook teacher is lookin for ya. Something about my hockey team but I dunno what exactly." He shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

He couldn't remember the specifics of why my instructor needed me? I guess that's typical of Romeo, though.

"Thanks, Ro. I'm headed there now." I mumble and he pats my back as he usually does, specifically just to piss me off.

I head in the direction of the yearbook classroom, and Romeo heads to the rink for practice.

When I enter the room, I see some of my closets friends sitting around the room. Alyvia and Emily, two of the other photographers, Adelaide is also a photographer who's present too, but she's closer with my brother Romeo than she is with me, but we're friends nonetheless. Rosalie, or yearbook coordinator and designer is here, as well as Mailey, our top editor.

I take a seat in an empty chair next to Alyvia, whispering a hi to her as the teacher, Mrs. Akins, heads to the front of the room.

"Hello. I'm sure most of you are confused why I called you here in the middle of the school day, but I chose our most focused and best academic-achieving members for this... or I chose you because you're related to someone on the team." Mrs. Akins explains, "you six have been selected by me to spend two weeks working with the hockey team for their page in the yearbook! You'll be starting your time with them next week on Monday and you'll meet with their manager, Abbie, to see what she has planned for the group of you.

As far as I know you'll be assigned one of the starters to interview and take pictures of as they play during practices and games. Clear?"

"Crystal." We all reply, and she smiles as she sits down at her desk once more.

"Oh! And no, you can't opt out of this. I've chosen you for a reason." She smiles sweetly at us, but it almost seems sarcastic.

We all turn inwards, obviously having something to say.

"Well it's no shock I'm here... my dad's the coach." Mailey laughs, and most people smile.

"I mean, both of my brothers are starters so, I'm also not shocked I'm here." I shrug, and Adelaide nods.

"I don't have a direct relation, but Romeo is my best friend and I've been in yearbook club for 4 years now."

Emily's face shows her distaste at the mention of Romeo.

"Yeah... not a fan of Romeo, but I'm decent friends with Ben, I guess." She mumbles, and Alyvia perks up.

"Ben's one of my best friends!" She smiles, and most of us laugh at the piece of information.

Everyone knows Alyvia is best friends with Ben, and everyone also knows Adelaide is best friends with Romeo. I'm not shocked that Alyvia and Adelaide are also pretty close, even though Adelaide and Ben do not get along...

"I'm just along for the ride, I guess." Rosalie adds.

We come to the conclusion that most people here are friends with one of my brothers... great. Why must I share all of my friends with those annoying, hockey loving, idiotic boys I call my brothers?

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jenna speaks!

SMALL introduction to the main yearbook girlies!! The hockey boys will be introduced in chapter one, along with Abbie since she's their manager! I hope you enjoyed the prologue, and I'm not really sure when chapter one will be posted, but I'll make sure to let you all know!

Don't be a ghost reader! Vote or comment if you're excited for more of the story, or if you enjoyed the prologue!

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