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𖦹 ° 💌 FIVE! ☾⋆𖦹
—— Winchester High School
alyvia's pov!
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"LYVVIE!" BEN shouts to me from down the hallway, willing me to stop and turn to look as he approaches me.

"Yes, Ben?" I sigh. "I'm trying to get to yearbook."

"Yeah, I know, I know." He scoffs, absolutely no care for my schedule.

Ben and I had been best friends our entire lives. I used to be closer with Romeo too, but we drifted a little as he got closer with Adelaide, much to Ben's dislike, so I started to spend more time with him.

Since we all grew up together, we know the reason Adelaide and Ben don't get along... but nobody brings it up. Romeo tried once and Ben and him had an argument over it... so since then nobody even utters a word.

The group of us from childhood is Dakota, Ben, Romeo, Adelaide, Abbie, and myself.

We started more as one big group of friends when we were kids, like elementary schoolers. And then once we hit middle school Adelaide and Ben fell out, Ben and I got closer, and then Dakota and Abbie sort of split off just because they wanted to. We're all still friends... well, obviously not Adelaide and Ben, but everyone else is still friends.

"Lyv? Did you hear me?" Ben asks, snapping his fingers at me.

"Huh? Sorry, I spaced out." I mumble, and he nods.

"You're good. I was asking if you knew where Adelaide was." He restates, and I send him a questioning look.

"Addy? Why? You two don't—"

"Yeah, we hate each other, I'm aware. Where is she." Ben says impatiently.

"Uh... I think she's in the cafeteria." I mumble, and he nods.

"Thanks, Lyv. I'll find you after yearbook since Rome said it's the day you have to interview him right?" He asks, and I nod.

"Yeah. Cya later, Ben."

He hurries off toward the cafeteria, and I couldn't be more confused. In all of my life he's never asked me where Adelaide was so he could find her...

I decide that this is more important than yearbook and I follow him to the cafeteria from a distance. When I get there he's throwing a punch at a boy.

I quickly run to Addy. "Addy, what the hell is happening?!"

"Apparently James was talking about how he wants to... get to know me, but then he came over and tried to kiss me, and when I asked him to stop he got mad at me and said I should be grateful that he wanted me, but then Ben pulled him off of me and just... hit him." She rants.

Ben's hitting him hard, but I genuinely don't think anyone could stop this fight. Somehow Romeo and Dakota caught wind of this and they come sprinting up, and Romeo grabs Ben and pulls him backwards, but Ben shoves him off as he whispers to him.

Romeo looks to Adelaide and I with a sorry look on his face, and I assume Ben told Rome what happened with James, the boy Ben was beating up.

𝗣𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗘𝗖𝗧 (OG AF)Where stories live. Discover now