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.                    𖦹 °✩ ⛸️ NINE! ☾⋆。𖦹
                 —— Winchester Ice Rink 🏒
                               abbie's pov!
      — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"C'MON NOW, you can't seriously think you won that race!" Colin shouts at me.

"Oh, but I did." I say confidently. "I made it to the other side of the rink before you."

"No tho didn't!" He argues, and I give him a look.

"I can make you run laps." I threaten, and he narrows his eyes at me.

"You're insufferable. Insanely insufferable." Colin teases, and I gasp in an faux-offended way.

Of all the hockey players, I was closest with Colin. Being the manager put me around the team a lot, obviously, and somehow Colin and I just gravitated towards each other. I'm friends with all of the other boys, but Colin and I are best friends. In my eyes, at least. In his eyes he's probably best friends with Jay and Cal.

"Abbie, you wanna go get food with me? I know you don't have a ride today." Colin acknowledges, and I send him a look.

"How did you know I don't have a ride?" I ask, and he sends me a sly smile.

"Maybe I just pay attention to you, and the fact that you walked in 2 minutes later than usual, which means you walked. You never arrive at 2:34, always 2:32." Colin whispers, and my breath hitches at his words.

I wasn't dumb, I knew he was hot, but he'd never... flirted with me.

"You pay that much attention to me?" I ask softly, and he nods.

I'm suddenly aware of how close together we are. I can easily step back, but I don't.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" He asks, and I smile softly at him.

"Yeah, I'll get food with you." I answer, and he smiles at me before intertwining our fingers and walking out to his car.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a small crush on Colin... which I would never admit to him, because I couldn't risk our friendship. He was so sweet, and I don't want him to have to awkwardly reject me.

I was fine with being his friend... mostly. I wasn't going to go out of my way to flirt with him first because I wasn't going to chance our friendship for a small crush.

"Abbie, you good? You're a little spaced out." Colin asks, and I snap out of my daze, nodding at him.

"Yep, all good." I answer as we enter his car, and he doesn't say anything else to me, so I guess he accepts my answer.

There had always been a little tension between us, so I had expected a little flirting here and there, but I hadn't expected him to pay insane attention to me.

He let me just stay silent and in my thoughts for the whole ride to the restaurant, which I'm sort of grateful for since usually I'd be yapping his ear off, but I had some things I wanted to think over on the drive there.

When we arrive, he notifies me and gets out of the car then walks over to my side to open the door for me.

"Thank you, Colin." I laugh as I get out, and he smiles at me.

"Of course, Abbie." He answers, once more grabbing my hands and holding it for the whole walk inside the building.

I see he's brought me to my favorite diner, and I smile at the thought that he remembered it.

Of course he did, he's the sweetest boy I've ever met.

We sit down at a table, and Colin orders for me. It's a little shocking that he knows all these small details about me.

"So why's your car gone today?" He asks.

"My parents got mad at me for something, so they took my car for today. It wasn't too bad, I got a ride to school with Romeo, Ben and Kota." I explain, and he nods.

"Oh, nice. What's going on with Ben and Calvin? Are they good now?" He questions as he slides my burger over to me, and I shrug.

"I have no idea, honestly. That's a question to ask Addy or Kota." I answer, "the two weren't talking much at practice, so I assume there's still a little tension from the fight there. Addy said Ben was being a little defensive to her, but nothing out of the ordinary, so maybe they're fine? Ben's mind is a mystery to unpack."

He laughs as I take a bite of my burger, nodding in agreement with my statement.

"Yeah, he's definitely a hard person to decipher." Colin mutters.

"For sure." I agree, and our conversation fizzles out for a few moments.

"So..." he trails off. "Any new romantic interests yet?"

I raise an eyebrow at him and decide to hint at my crush on him for once. "Mhm, there's this one cute boy, not sure how he feels about me though."

Colin pays as I tell him that, and we get up to go, grabbing our belongings and beginning to walk outside.

"Oh, yeah?" He asks, his tone curious. "Any important details?"

"Mmm," I narrow my eyes, as if thinking. "Yeah. He's a hockey player."

"Is he now?" He asks, seeming a little more flirtatious than before.

"Yeah, he is. He's sorta annoying sometimes, though. Like this one time he thought he beat me at this race we had when I clearly won." I tell him. So much for being subtle.

"Hmm. He sounds hot." Colin adds, and I shrug.

"He is." I admit, and Colin smirks at me.

"And what would you say if this boy grabbed you by your waist and kissed you?" He whispers, and I freeze. He speaks again, "completely hypothetical, of course, because I have no idea who this boy is."

"Of course," I mumble, "I'd let him."

After my soft answer, he does exactly what he said he would, his hands gripping my waist as he pulls me in for a kiss. My hands plant themselves on his cheeks, and I reciprocate his gesture.

When we pull away, the realization of what just happened dawns on me. Colin just kissed me.

𖦹 °✩ ⛸️ ☾⋆。𖦹


it's been so long since I've wrote on this 😭😭.

anyway thanks for reading and lmk who u wanna see next!! I'm pretty sure I've covered almost every POV so!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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