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!TW! Transphobia and Homophobia, (Deserved) Assault, Lots of swearing

Jace rubbed the wrinkles out of his shirt and knocked on the door.

After hearing 'Come in!', he opened the door, Rice and Charlie trailing behind him.

"Ah, Jaymie! Sit, please." The principal gestured at the chair. Jace grimaced at the name, attempting to correct her with,

"It's Jace, Ma'am." Rice rubbed his back and gave the woman a death stare. Charlie placed their hand on Jace's shoulder, giving the woman the same look as Rice.

"Oh, you kids and your pronouns! But, uh, this is supposed to be a private meeting. Charlie, Melissa, if you would please." The woman pointed at the door and looked at the two.

"You piece of sh-" "OKAY! We're going! Jace, if you need us, we're right outside the door." Charlie quickly cut Rice off and rushed her outside.

"Mrs. Smith, I would like to talk to you about the race's rules." Jace pulled a silent fidget out and messed with it as she spoke.

"Ah! Yes, you wanted to do 'quadrobics'? What is that?" Mrs. Smith asked, putting quotations on quadrobics.

"It's a sport, were you jump, walk, run, all that, on your hands and feet instead of just your legs. The coach said it would be okay, but I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first."

Jace explained as well as he could without giving her reasons to be a dick about it. It didn't work.

The woman glared at him. "Jaymie, honey, you do realize we have counselors here, right? A girl like you shouldn't be acting like that! You already think you're a boy, now an animal? This generation, I swear..."

Jace was about to go off.

"One, I am a boy. Two, I don't think I'm an animal. Three, why does your old ass care so much? You jealous I'm cooler than you?" This didn't help his situation at all.

"Little girl! That is NOT how you speak to your elders! Were you raised in a barn?!"

~*POV Switch*~

Rice and Charlie were, impatiently, waiting before they heard yelling. "Fuck..." Charlie and Rice ran into the room and grabbed Jace

"Jace! What the fuck happened?!"


The woman had a bloody nose and was crying. Rice giggled and flipped the woman off, walking Jace out of the room. 

"Old ass bitch had it comin'..." Jace mumbled, popping his knuckles.

"As much as I agree, you have to calm down. You're inner Brit is coming out." Rice said. That wasn't wrong. When Jace got really tired or pissed off, his British accent came out.

After however long of walking, Rice drove them out to the middle of nowhere and hopped out. They sat in a large field.

"Where are we?" Jace asked as he looked around.

"An area near my parents house. They own a ton of acres, and this is an area they made for me. Well, that my mom did. Dad's not usually around." Rice explained.

That made sense, there was a giant tree with a tire swing on it. Also in the tree, was a tree house, that had graffiti on it. Next to the tree was normal swings, clearly pretty old. There were alot of things for quads too. It was all in a field of tall grass next to a forest, that was so big Jace couldn't see the end of it.

It was very calming.

Rice took off her corset and boots, and ran over to the swings. Charlie quickly followed, yelling about how Rice is gonna hurt herself or lose her stuff.

Jace, however, stayed in his spot. He started crying not from anger or sadness, though those played a part, but because of the people he was lucky enough to have in his life.





Even Marsh and Moss...

Jace was snapped out of his thoughts by yelling.

"Jace!! Get over here!! Come have fun with us!!" Rice shouted at him, already very far away from him.

He laughed and walked over to them, seeing them both doing quads. 

He quickly joined them.


Holy shit, I actually teared up writing this, I want friends. I actually really liked this chapter, hope y'all did too!! Have a good morning/afternoon/night! Stay safe and healthy<3

Edited, 704 Words


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