One Week Left

190 4 18

TW // Uncensored Slurs About Trans and Gay (mlm) People, Physical Fights

"Come on, pick up the pace! I thought y'all wanted to be runners!" Coach shouted. Currently, everyone who had volunteered for the race was getting ready for it.

The Coach said because the principal was in the hospital, she couldn't have any say in it, so Jace still got to participate. Jace wasn't sure if that was entirely legal, but he was content with it.

After alot of running and alot of yelling, everyone finally took a break.

"Okay, I know I've been joking about it, but I'm seriously gonna die." Jace threw himself face-first on the ground. Rice and Brook, who were there for moral support, plopped down on both sides of him.

Rice laughed and rubbed his back. "You're fine, ya big baby."

Brook ran her fingers through his hair. "You just have to get used to it."

Jace rolled over onto Brook and groaned. "It's so hard thoughhh!!"

"Okay, now you are just acting like a small child." Brook laughed and ran her fingers through his hair once more.

They all laughed a bit and calmed down, that was until they heard footsteps coming towards them. Rice looked over and saw Jacob.

"Oh, hey Jacob!" Jace said to him.

"'Sup, dude?" He asked as he high-fived Jace and sat down in front of him.

Jace groaned and threw his hands over his face. "I hate thisss!!"

"Why'd you decide to do it then?" Rice said, pushing his shoulder.

Rice laughed and they all talked for a little more before Jacob said something. Now, he clearly didn't know the severity of the question, but it still hit Jace pretty hard.

"Hey, when'd you get titties?"

Jace froze. "I, uhm. Kinda, have always had them..."

Jacob quickly picked up on what he was saying. "Oh, shit, sorry man. But question- do you wear a binder? Asking only if you're comfortable of course."

Jace nodded.

"Dude, I'm just saying, TransTape worked alot better for one of my old friends. She wasn't trans, she just hated her tits."

Jace smiled and nodded at him. "I'll, keep that in mind."

Brook laid down on the small grass, clearly comfortable. Perfect for Jace to ruin. He threw his body all over hers.

"Oh! I'm sooo comfortable now!"

Brook laughed and tried to push him off her. "Jace!! Get off!"

"I can't! I must have gotten so comfortable, I fell asleep! Honk me me me, honk me me me!"

"Jace, you're not sleeping! Get off!" Brook laughed even harder at his 'snores' and still tried to get him off.

They stopped laughing once they heard a voice call out to them. "Shit, Jaymie?!" The person who the voice came from quickly ran over to them.


"You're a lesbian?" Jace quickly got up and started walking away. Ryan yanked him back by his shirt, causing him to fall.

He laughed. "You fucking tranny, can't listen to someone for 5 seconds?"

Brook quickly walked over, crouched, and looked to make sure Jace was okay. After she saw he was, she stood up again.

"What? Need your girlfriend to come help you? You lesb-"

And he was on the ground.

"Piece of shit. You don't have any right to say that." Brook kicked him in his thigh and went to go actually check to make sure Jace was fine. Before she could, she was thrown down by Ryan's hand.

Ryan laughed, wiping blood off his nose. He quickly stood up. "Are you a fag, too? Gay ass."

Brook threw her foot at his leg, making him fall back down. She got on top of him and punched him square in his face again. She shoved one of her shoes, doc martens to be exact, into his hand.

"Clearly one punch wasn't getting through to you." She punched him again.

Jacob yanked her off him. "Okay! I think he gets it."

Ryan was in full tears. He had a very bloody nose and red marks on the sides of his face. By the way she was punching, probably a loose tooth, too. His hand was also incredibly red.

He scrambled to get up and quickly ran away.

She looked over and Jace was being comforted by Rice. "You good, Jace?" Brook asked.

Jace nodded, although he was crying a little.

She looked over to where Ryan had run and saw Coach walking over. "Shit."

"Brooklyn! A word!" Coach put his face in his hands. "What is it with this group and fighting people?"

"Coach, he did deserve it." Jacob said.

Coach sighed.

"Look, you're not gonna get in trouble this time. But! If this happens again, It's a suspension, got it?"

"Got it, Coach."

Coach nodded before walking away.

"I'm sorry.." Jace mumbled. Brook sighed and hugged him. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault.."

"Okay, um, I think we should run." All of them looked over and saw alot of Ryan's friends coming.

Brook and Jace went on all fours, and Jacob and Rice stayed on their legs.

Eventually they had stopped being chased and all of them fell onto the grass, that was significantly taller there.

"Okay, I'm done running for the rest of my life." Jace shouted, as he was literally panting.

One word came from all of them.



Who wants Ryan dead? KIDDING! Anyway, I don't have much else to say sooo, have a good morning/afternoon/night! Stay safe and healthy<3

Edited, 857 Words

-Pika <3

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