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!TW! Abuse, Death, Mentions of fire, Yelling, Lots of Swearing
If you aren't comfortable with any of this, there is a chapter summing everything up!

"Hey Mum..."

A woman, sitting in her chair, heard from her phone. She resembled Brook, but looked skinnier and taller, with slightly darker hair.

"What do you want. Also you need to come pick up your brothers soon. And before you say anything, they're getting on my nerves."

"Yes Mum, but I just wanted to know when I can.. Come home? Like, for real. Not to just pick up Koi and Ace-"

Brook was cut off.

"I have told you. When you're done with this whole lgbt and therian bullshit, you can come back. Now get your ass here and pick up these little brats."


And the woman hung up. Then, two boys walked out. They looked almost the exact same.

"Mum, can we-"

"Shut the fuck up! God, I can't wait for you two to grow the fuck up. Get to your rooms until Brooklyn picks you up. Fucking Christ.."

~*POV Switch*~

Jace heard shouting outside and peaked out for a second.

"Okay.." Brook looked at her phone for a few more seconds before wiping her eyes and putting it in her pocket.

Jace walked towards her and grab her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Brook jumped and looked at him. She nodded, reaching into her other pocket.

"Where are my keys.. Okay, look, I'm really enjoying looking at a murder shed but I have to go, uh, shopping?"

He stared at her and she could tell he knew she was lying. She sighed and glanced at the shed.

"I have to go pick up my little brothers so I might be gone for a while. Usually I get in arguments with my Mum and Dad so, yeah. I'm sorry."

With that, she left. 

She walked away.

Not without him following though.

"Can I come with?"









"I didn't fucking say you could bring anyone over! Who the hell do you think you are?! You don't even live here!"

The older woman was screaming at Brook, and she was taking it alot better than Jace thought she would've.

Jace was comforting the two younger kids, and trying to get them out of the house.

"Maybe if you let me ever talk I would have told you he was coming. And just maybe, if you allowed me to live in my parents house as a 16 YEAR OLD! I'm the fucking child trying to be myself here, and you are acting 12!"


Brook was just basically thrown on the floor by her mother's hand.


Brook's ears were ringing, and she could barely make out the woman's words.

The next thing she knew she was being thrown in a car and shaken. Everything was slightly blurry and her ears were still loudly ringing. And then,


The next thing Brook knew she was back in that house. But this time something was different, she smelled smoke. Not normal smoke. It wasn't the type she smelled from her mother's cigarettes.


She immediately ran to her brothers' room. But it was too late.

She started crying as she stared at their corpses. She screamed, before falling to her knees.

Brook woke up, still yelling. She felt someone touch her shoulder.


She looked over and saw Moss, with a scared look on their face. After she noticed who it was she threw her arms around them.

"I told you not to go over unless I was with you. And before you ask, Koi and Ace are okay. So is Jace. You however, can't really say the same.."

Moss waited until Brook broke off their hug to pull out their phone, open the camera, and handed it to Brook.

She had tear streaks all down her face, there was a few blood marks on her nose, a red hand print on the side of her face, and a bloody lip.

She started shaking as more tears began pooling in her bottom eyelids.

"Hey, hey, It's okay.. Do you wanna see Koi and Ace?" Moss placed both of their hands on Brook's shoulders.

Brook nodded and sat up.

"Your legs are probably gonna hurt, from what Jace told me that happened. Here," Moss moved their hands and grabbed hers to help her up.

Her legs were a little wobbly and sore, probably from the impact of the floor, but other than that she was fine.

She walked out of the room, Moss keeping their hand on her back.

"Sis!! Are you okay?!"

One of the little ones ran up to and hugged Brook, very tightly.

"Hey Koi, I'm fine.. Are you and Ace okay?" Brook looked over at the other one, him smiling at her.

Ace walked over to her and gave her a high-five. "We're okay! We met your friends!" Koi said to her.

"That's very good, how about you two get on the couch, and I need to talk to someone."

Koi and Ace sat on the couch, which is where Rice, Marsh, Charlie, and obviously Koi and Ace were.



Woah, angst. Okay, so, sorry for the jumpscare of abuse and angst. I am straight up just projecting because my life, especially with my parents, has been super shit. I've been dealing with personal stuff that includes sa and abuse so yeah lol.  I hope all of you are doing better than me. Have a good morning/afternoon/night! Stay safe and healthy<3

Like I said, the next 'chapter' is a summary about this one so that whoever didn't want to or couldn't read this can get the general idea.

Edited, 918 Words (Oh my Gods)


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