Chapter 2 ~ An Iron Man

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First of all Happy Valentines' Day to all lovely readers. This part is dedicated to.... Me!
Hell Yes... The Author Herself💋
Why? Coz'
Its a gift to me from me..
After all its my Birthday 🧁⭐️

Let's ride together the journey of An Iron Man as writers, poets, dreamers, artists and researchers.
Happy journey from this birthday girl to all her fellow valentines' 🦋♥️


An Iron Man

The Iron Man towered on the top of the dark cliff,

He stood on the very brink, nice and stiff.

Where had he come from? Nobody knows,

It could be that he is lost, I suppose!

He accidentally slipped, and he came crashing down,

His legs broke, and he thought he would drown.

His body was battered, scraped, and falling apart,

He felt so broken that he thought he had pain in his heart.


Abhinav Sharma... Who was he? A man with no identity! A guy who knows everyone, but nobody knows him... !

What was his real name? Who was he supposed to be? Was he an unwanted child, as everybody said? Was he a mistake?

Every time he thinks of his existence, his heart aches! The pain of being a nobody was the worst kind of curse a person could bear.

"Your mother must be a messy woman. She must have slept with random guys and abducted the obvious mistake," a boy in school commented.

"My mom said we should stay away from such nasty bastards." One more remark was made.

"My dad said they were born to ruin the pure ones." An ear-piercing voice interrupted.

Comments and discussions like that were not new for 14-year-old Abhinav. Over time, he has grown fairly resistant; at least he attempted to be, but even so, as a teenager, he desired affection. His tear-stained face was puffy and swollen with grief. He had a lump in his throat and was blinking away the tears.

His deep brown eyes begged them to stop, yet he behaved indifferently as always. He knew that no one from class wanted to get close to him, as he was tagged poor and marked as a parentless child.

Initially, when he studied in the orphanage, this thing never bothered him, as all kids were like him. But his misery started as soon as he got an opportunity to study at a prestigious school!

He remembered how he danced and raised his collar in front of his orphanage friends. The school had chosen him. Out of 200 students, he was the lucky one.

That night was a sleepless night for Abhinav. He could imagine himself being a pilot and flying all the planes he wanted. He imagined himself being a doctor and healing all his sick friends from their orphanage. He also imagined that somehow his parents would come back to him after all, since he was a kid with high merit.

~ O Re Kanchi| An Akshnav Saga Where stories live. Discover now