Part 16

153 7 63

24 May 1982

7:00am Monday


You awoke feeling uneasy, as if you were seasick.

You drifted in and out of sleep, but eventually got fed up with the sensation.

You sat up in bed, and it improved some. It wasn't fully gone, though. You had a sense of unsettlement.

You slowly regained sense of what was around you.

The sun was up, it shone through the partly opened curtains. The room felt pale, it would be a sunny day, though not too warm. Paul was already awake, getting dressed for work.

When you sat up, it disturbed the duvet. Beau had been there, and the ground he laid on shifted beneath him. He got up, and stepped out and over the blanket with annoyance, tail stuck up. You heard the thunk of him jumping onto the floor, and walking off.

"Hello lovie." Paul said, noticing you'd sat up. "You're up early!"

Often you'd make his breakfast and pack his lunch the day before. It would be in the fridge when he woke up. You were not, and never were a morning person. These days Rosemary went to bed at 9:30pm, woke up at 9:00am,, and that suited you just fine.

You rubbed your eyes and let out a breath. Your head felt heavy.

Paul had his vest and trousers on already, and was slipping on his dress shirt. He always looked so pretty.

Now that you were awake, you weren't likely to fall back under.

You watched Paul as he buttoned up his shirt, then he did his tie. He must notice you were watching, his eyes moving slowly back, coyly, before turning away.

"You're very beautiful." You said, numbly. You were still very much groggy.

He smirked to himself.

"You always say that." He said.

You made a sleepy sound of indignance.

"I always mean it." You said.

He giggled in response, and was prompted to come closer. He crawled onto the bed, pushing his head against your chest. He pushed further, his arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing. His head was right under your chin.

"You're friendly..." You murmured.

You felt his lips at your sternum, damp and soft, kissing. He nuzzled.

You gazed downward. You ran your hand up through his hair, shorter than it used to be in the cottage. You didn't know how he was so chipper early in the morning.

His kisses moved upward, to your neck, then onto your cheek. When he pulled back, you caught his eyes, he had a slight curled smile, his eyes narrowed.

"You're rarely up this early." He said. "I get no loving in the mornings before I go."

You shook your head.

"I'm not a morning bird." You said. "I never could be."

He winked at you, but then his gaze lingered, tilting his head, less playful.

"Are you alright?" He said. "You're looking a little... green."

You brought a hand to your face, brows drawing.

"Do I?" You said, sheepishly.

Paul deferred, as he regretted that it might've sounded like a dig. He patted your cheek with a wide palm.

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