Part 15

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Sorry this took a while to update, I am a busy one! Also writers block.

Okay I wrote the above a while ago. Now I am extra late. What can I say? I am a busy one.

Happy 66th birthday to our girlie. (4 Feb 1958)

8 May 1982

10:00am Saturday


The other day you noticed Rosemary's teeth were coming in. She had been fussy, her gum swollen. The pain was no treat, but you took it that she was about ready for food.

Paul was thrilled. He put his finger into her mouth, opening it to look. She'd made a shout of complaint, even against her precious Paul.

There was now a high chair at the end of the kitchen table. She was sat there. With each day it became more apparent that a child lived in this flat.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Paul said.

Rosemary was watching from her high chair. You were mashing half a banana in a bowl with a fork.

"Food before one is just for fun." You said. "That's according to the book. She'll be fine on milk. But it's good to get her used to things."

"This is exciting." He said. "It's the first ever! First food of her life that didn't come from your tit."

You glanced at him.

"...yeah." You said.

You came to sit beside her, smiling. She stared at you with her mouth open.

"Hello kitten!" You said.

Paul rested his head in his hands, watching with a dreamy look on his face.

"Look what I've got you." You said.

You put the mush on her highchair tray. She looked at you, then at the substance. She didn't need further prompting, she grabbed it in her fist.

"Go on." Paul cooed.

She squeezed, letting it squish through her tiny hand.

"Oh..." You said, a small voice.

"It's on her hand now." Paul said. "It'll get in her mouth eventually."

Sure enough, she brought her fist to her mouth. All to find that it was a different taste.

Her features scrunched up. She looked disgusted. Horrified.

She stuck her tongue out, her mouth open.

"I don't think she likes it." You said.

"Can you imagine it?" Paul said, with his amused uptilt voice. "You have the same thing your whole life, then a whole 'nother taste. It's not going to be a walk in the park."

She looked angry. She opened and closed her mouth, unsure what to make of it.

"D'you want a glass of water, Mary?" Paul said.

He tilted his head, looking at you with lidded eyes.

"I would say nothing holds a candle to nice warm breast milk." He said.

"Oh, shut up." You said, face warm.

Rosemary went on to play more with the mushed banana, though seemed disinterested in actually consuming it.

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