Chapter 2: Cruel Feelings

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Grace's POV

I opened eyes and I realized was in Joel's bed.

Last night- or more like today morning the party ended at the crack of dawn, just like Sam said. We all said goodbye to our classmates and left. We dropped the rest of the gang at their houses and since my mom knows after parties I usually crash at Casey's place I decided to stay with Joel. 

I checked my phone and saw the time was 11:18. I dropped my phone and buried my head in Joel's neck. He moved slightly and smiled, "Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning cute boy." I said.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"11:19 now." 

"mmm wanna get breakfast or have brunch instead?" 

"mmm brunch sounds more delicious."

He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"You know... no ones home...." he trailed off and my eyes shot open.

"What are you hinting at?" I asked smirking.

Instead of answering me he just pushed me and climbed on top of me and came in for a kiss. I always thought when you met the love of your life kissing them should feel electrifying or magically but I guess that is just in romance novels and movies. 

His hand went up the shirt I was wearing and since I was not wearing any bra he had direct access to my tits. I moaned softly when his cold fingers touched my nipples. He trailed the kisses from my neck to my cheek then worked his way to my neck and slowly started sucking on my skin. 

Just then my phone started ringing. I glanced at it and saw it was my mom and lightly pushed Joel off me. He groaned and fell down on the bed beside me. 

"Hey mom." I said breathless.

"Hey sweetie, why are you out of breath?" she asked.

Shit. "Hmm I just ran up the stairs to Case's room to answer the phone." I said hoping she would buy it.

"Oh okay, when will you be coming home?" 

"Around 5?"

"Grace you leave in 2 days, you have to pack."

"I will manage mom don't worry." 

*An hour later*

"Is it good?" he asked.

"mmmmmm" I managed to get out as I munched on the food. I was so hungry since I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's lunch. Me and Joel were at our go-to cafe. 

He chuckled and had another bite at his burger. 

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." 

"I was really hoping to spend this summer with you." he trailed off.

"Joe, I'm sorry but this is my last chance to spend the entire summer with my dad. You know next year onwards I wanna be busy with internships." I was getting a bit irritated, he has bought this up a few times already towards the end of school year, hinting me to stay back and spend the summer with him but I have directly told him I want to go to Italy to see my dad. How can he not understand I only get to see my dad for 2 months for an entire year. He lives with his dad so maybe he doesn't know the longing one has to see a parent. 

"I know, its just that... its gonna get boring without you."

"You can always hang out with Jake? Or go visit your relatives out of town, maybe do part time?" Joel is very anti-social and I most times have to encourage him to go out and do something.  

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