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"Happy Valentines Day Miranda" Ben whispered as he walked by her

"Benjamin" She cut him a look. Ever since their kiss a few weeks ago. They had slowly started talking to each other again but Miranda kept her distance because he was with Katrina.

"Do you and Tuck have plans?" He asked

"Valentine's Day is stupid" She rolled her eyes

"I like it" He shrugged

"Warren" Callie approached them

"Dr. Warren here is gushing over Valentine's Day. Maybe you and him can talk about it while I go save lives" She walked off

"I thought I told you to back off of her" Callie crossed her arms

"I am trying to think of a way to end things with Katrina. Okay," Ben sighed "It's Valentine's Day. I can't break up with her"

"Stay away from her Warren" Callie warned and walked away.
Unfortunately, Callie didn't inform Arizona about Ben and Miranda's past. Arizona also had no idea he was a taken man. But since she could tell the pair had feelings for each other she decided to play cupid.
She got Ben on Miranda's surgery thanks to Derek. And despite his warning about playing cupid for Bailey she was determined to get the two love birds together.

Miranda was surprised to see Ben and Arizona in her surgery. She wondered what was going on here. During the surgery, Arizona's motive for being in the O.R. soon became clear to both Ben and Miranda.

"Grandinetti's is gone ... a Seattle institution." She began to speak "Dr. Warren, you ever been there?" She asked him

A smile growing on his face he replied " Couple times. Good scampi."

" Place is so romantic ... perfectly lit, intimate, those cozy little booths, you know, in back" She looked over at Miranda " It's a little too intense for a first date, though. Bailey, where would you go on a first date?"

"Isn't there a dying child somewhere?" Miranda was unamused by Arizona's presence and this little game she was playing. She wondered if Ben had said something to her and that's why she was in here.

"No. I had some time, and I wanted to observe one of ... one of these." Arizona chuckled

As the surgery went on Arizona noticed the way Ben's eyes were more focused on Miranda than they were on the journal in his hand or the monitors. She had to get these two together. They would be so adorable together she thought. Again she spoke up.

"Nice work, Dr. Bailey. Dr. Warren, can you believe that Dr. Bailey almost left general surgery for peds surgery? Did you know that?" She cheerily looked at Ben

"I did"  He nodded

Surprised by his answer she continued "She almost said no to general surgery. But then she thought about it, and she changed her mind. She wasn't afraid to rethink her decision. She just needed to be asked again" She winked

" I see. Clearly." He chuckled

Miranda gave Arizona a dirty look. She wondered what she knew about her and Ben and if she even knew anything at all.  Arizona was persistent and annoyed Miranda for the remainder of the surgery.

"How is he, Dr. Bailey? Looks like you're nearly done, and it's just in time for dinner and maybe even some dancing. If the patient looks good ..."

" He'll be just fine. He won't be dancing anytime soon. But when the time comes and he wants to go out dancing, he will be perfectly capable of making that determination himself, without any help from anyone. And I don't need any help here. So if you are through helping me, you can go." Miranda had enough of Arizona and talks of dinner and dancing and dates.

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