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"Ben wake up" Tuck's voice woke Ben up out of his sleep

"What's wrong Tuck" Ben sleepily responded

"Remember you told me to tell you when mommy does something weird" Tuck looked at him

"What's mommy doing" He asked

"She's sniffing your clothes" He admitted

"What" Ben got out of bed and walked to the laundry room where his wife was standing repeatedly sniffing his clothes. In the time since they got married, his wife had a traumatic experience that greatly altered her life. Three of her patients died as a direct result of a infection she didn't know she was a carrier for.
Thankfully she had overcome her trauma but Ben was worried about her. He wanted to be back home with her and Tuck so he decided to leave the surgical program to be here with her.

She was upset about it and even told him she was disappointed in him. That's when Ben noticed a change in his wife. He was adamant about her seeking help for the behaviors she had begun to exhibit. She was annoyed by it and it came to a full head when Ben mentioned it to Derek who then had to report it to the board and then it made its way to Owen. She was enraged her husband would go and tell her boss she had a psychiatric illness. However, she eventually began a treatment regimen. She was on medication and things were under control. They still had some bumps due to him quitting surgery to come home which led to arguments which led to makeup sex.

Now Ben felt he and Miranda were good.  He was in the surgical residency program at Grey Sloan now. Their marriage was solid and her OCD was under control or so he thought.

"Baby" He slowly walked up to her

"Hmm" She kept sniffing his clothes

"Miranda" As he approached her she noticed she was crying. Or rather tears were just streaming down her cheeks. He walked up took the clothes from her and wrapped his arms around her "Tuck is worried about you"

"Tuck" She looked at him the mention of her son breaking her from her trance-like state

"He told me you were here sniffing my clothes" Ben nodded " Can I ask why"

"They smell like perfume"

"They smell like perfume," He asked confused

"Smell" She held the clothes up to his nose. He didn't smell anything and was very confused.

"What uh does the perfume smell like" He asked " So I can be sure if I smell it or not"

"You don't smell that perfume," She asked " Or are you playing dumb"

"Miranda, I don't think there's any perfume there" He sighed "Have you been taking your medication"

"You're making this about my OCD" She scoffed " Your clothes smell like perfume, Benjamin"

"They don't" He shook his head " and if they do it's yours"

"That's not mine. Do you think I'm stupid Ben? I know what my perfume smells like and this is not it"

"What are you saying" He asked her

"Are you cheating on me?" She asked


"Are you cheating on me" She repeated her question

"No, I'm not cheating on you why would you think that"

"Your clothes smell like perfume Ben."

"Miranda, I swear to you, nothing is going on," he insisted, his voice filled with conviction. "I would never do anything to hurt you like that. I love you"

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