My Wife

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Every Saturday since the dawn of time, the Bridgertons hosted a dinner party at one of their sibling's houses. This week, with them being newly weds and just returning from their honeymoon in Greece, Colin and Penelope offered. There were drinks, games, laughter, and a dash of chaos, just as you'd find at any Bridgerton gathering.

It had started small at first, and if Penelope hadn't been the observant journalist she was, she might not have noticed. Each of the siblings and their spouses, except Colin, seemed to periodically take a swig of their drinks at the same time, much in the way of a drinking game. Then Penelope realized, smirking behind her own glass, that's exactly what this was. It only took a few more seconds for her to figure out what they were drinking to.

Colin rambled on with the adventures of their time in Greece, not even caring that his siblings seemed far more invested than usual. "Then I took my wife to this obscure little bakery in Crete." Drink. "Everyone knows you haven't had baklava until you've had it in Greece. Sure enough, it was the best we'd ever had, and my wife and I left the island with a whole pan full." Drink. Penelope snickered, then schooled her expression, hoping no one noticed. She decided then that she wanted to have a bit of fun of her own.

"Colin, could you help me get some more beer from the kitchen? It looks like everyone is running a bit low."

Colin reached a stopping point in his story and grinned at Penelope, following her blindly into the other room. "My wife and I will be right back!" He shouted over his shoulder, missing the way each sibling took another drink.

Once they reached the fridge, Penelope set the beers on the counter and turned to her husband. "Colin," she whispered, not wanting any of them to hear. "Come here."

"Why are we whispering?" He asked, standing in front of her.

"Because I don't want your siblings to hear us," she explained. Colin's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh, not like that," she added, swatting him lightly on the arm. "Later," she promised at the pout on his lips. "I thought you'd like to know that your siblings have made us into a drinking game, and it's your fault."

"My fault?" He gasped. "What did I do?"

Penelope bit her lip to hide her grin. "Every time you say the words 'my wife', they take a drink," she whispered, very amused by the situation. Colin's mouth popped open to protest, but then he glanced at his siblings in the livingroom, who seemed to be getting drunker by the second. "As you can tell, you've said it a lot tonight," she said.

A wicked grin spread across Colin's face. "Well, we wouldn't want to ruin their fun, would we, wife?" He asked.

Penelope nodded, "Certainly not, husband." Colin lifted her easily onto the counter, planting kisses to her lips and neck. They lingered like that for a moment before deciding they should probably return with the beers.

Colin plopped down on the floor in the front of her, reeling in the excitement of getting back at his siblings. "Did I tell you guys about when my wife argued with a Grecian farmer about the rights of his livestock?" He asked with a bemused grin. Drink. "My wife and I were traveling through the countryside when we met this farmer, Stavros," he explained. Drink. "We were just going to stop for directions when my wife saw the state of the man's chicken coup. The chickens were covered in mud and some of the eggs they just laid were already cracked." Drink. "Needless to say, my wife being the selfless animal lover she is had to say something." Drink. "So, my wife marches up to Stavros, who doesn't speak a lick of English by the way, and demands he clean up their living conditions, lest one of them God forbid gets sick." Drink. "Stavros just stared back at my wife, then started shouting back at us in Greek that he knows what he's doing and to mind our own business." Drink. At this point, some of the siblings started to get suspicious. "I tried to translate between my wife and Stavros, but he wasn't having any of it, and basically told my wife and I to get off his land or else. I have to say, one of the proudest moments I've ever been of my wife." Only a few of them took a drink this time. Colin turned slightly and looked up at Penelope, hearts in his eyes as he spoke honestly. "I just can't believe I have a wife as amazing as you, Pen." Her own heart melted at the words, and she pressed a sweet peck to his lips.

"Alright enough, you two!" Eloise yelled exasperatedly, slamming her empty glass onto the table in front of her. "We get it, she's you're wife!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, come on, Colin, you ruined the game," Benedict whined.

Colin and Penelope laughed heartily, nuzzling into one another. He shrugged. "Can't say I'm sorry for making sure you guys know how much I love my wife."

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